History of changes in the plant cover of the Trans-Carpathians area in Early Miocene in connection with changes in a Sea Basin. (In: Paleontology and Reconstruction of Geological History of Paleobasins. T.N.Bogdanova and L.T.Khozatsky, editors)
Foreign title:
Istoriyi Izmeneniya Rastitel'Nogo Pokrova Zakarpat 'Ya v Rannem Miotsene v Svyazi S Izmeneniymi Morsk Ogo Basseina(In-Paleontologiya i Rekonstruktsiya Geologicheskoi Istorii Paleobasseinov -Ed.-T.N. Bogdanov & L.I.Khozatskii)
Syabryaj,S.V. (1987)
History of changes in the plant cover of the Trans-Carpathians area in Early Miocene in connection with changes in a Sea Basin. (In: Paleontology and Reconstruction of Geological History of Paleobasins. T.N.Bogdanova and L.T.Khozatsky, editors) [ Istoriyi Izmeneniya Rastitel'Nogo Pokrova Zakarpat 'Ya v Rannem Miotsene v Svyazi S Izmeneniymi Morsk Ogo Basseina(In-Paleontologiya i Rekonstruktsiya Geologicheskoi Istorii Paleobasseinov -Ed.-T.N. Bogdanov & L.I.Khozatskii) ] Trudy Vsesoyuznogo Paleontologicheskogo Obshchestvo, 29th Sessii,Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Leningrad, Nauka, Leningradskoe Otdelenie
Vol. 29 P. 177- 181