Calcareous dinoflagellate cysts from the Upper Cretaceous White Chalk facies of North Germany Coniacian-Maestrichtian.
Foreign title:
Kalkige dinoflagellaten-zysten aus der Oberkretaz Ischen Schreibkreide-Fazies N-Deutschlands(Coniac Bis Maastrich)
Willems,H. (1988) Calcareous dinoflagellate cysts from the Upper Cretaceous White Chalk facies of North Germany Coniacian-Maestrichtian. [ Kalkige dinoflagellaten-zysten aus der Oberkretaz Ischen Schreibkreide-Fazies N-Deutschlands(Coniac Bis Maastrich) ] Senckenbergiana Lethaea Vol. 68 # 5 P. 433- 477
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Genus Species Country(Region) From To
Orthopithonella Orthopithonella veeversii W.Germany(Schleswig) Coniacian Maastrichtian
Orthopithonella Orthopithonella williambensonii W.Germany(Schleswig) Middle Santonian
Pithonella Pithonella echinosa W.Germany(Schleswig) Santonian Maastrichtian
Pithonella Pithonella sp.2 sp. nov. W.Germany(Schleswig) Middle Santonian
Pithonella Pithonella williambensonii W.Germany(Schleswig) Middle Santonian
Tetramerosphaera Tetramerosphaera lacrimula W.Germany(Schleswig) Late Maastrichtian