Riphean microfossils of the Southern Urals. (In: Stratotype of Riphean Paleontology Paleomagnetism. B.M.Keller, editor)
Foreign title:
Mikrofossilii Rifeya Yuzhnogo Urala. (In: Stratotip Releya Paleontologiya Paleomagnetism.B.M.Keller,editor)
Yankauskas,T.V. (1982) Riphean microfossils of the Southern Urals. (In: Stratotype of Riphean Paleontology Paleomagnetism. B.M.Keller, editor) [ Mikrofossilii Rifeya Yuzhnogo Urala. (In: Stratotip Releya Paleontologiya Paleomagnetism.B.M.Keller,editor) ] Trudy Geologichesk Institut,Akademiya Nauk SSR,Moskva Vol. 368 P. 84- 119
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Genus Species Country(Region) From To
Cephalophytarion Cephalophytarion sp sp. nov. USSR(Urals) Late Riphean
Cholorogloeaopsis Cholorogloeaopsis zairensis USSR(Urals) Late Riphean
Chuaria Chuaria circularis USSR(Urals) Riphean
Chuaria Chuaria wimanii USSR(Urals) Riphean
Cyrcumiella Cyrcumiella sp USSR(Urals) Vendian
Entosphaeroides Entosphaeroides irregularis USSR(Urals) Late Riphean
Entosphaeroides Entosphaeroides sp USSR(Urals) Late Riphean
Eomarginata Eomarginata striata USSR(Urals) Early Riphean
Eomycetopsis Eomycetopsis psilata USSR(Urals) Riphean
Eomycetopsis Eomycetopsis rimata USSR(Urals) Late Riphean Kudashian
Eomycetopsis Eomycetopsis rimata USSR(Urals) Late Riphean
Eomycetopsis Eomycetopsis rugosa USSR(Urals) Late Riphean
Eomycetopsis Eomycetopsis rugosa USSR(Urals) Late Riphean
Glenobotrydion Glenobotrydion solutum USSR(Urals) Late Riphean
Glenobotrydion Glenobotrydion solutum USSR(Urals) Late Riphean
Glenobotrydion Glenobotrydion tetragonum USSR(Urals) Late Riphean
Gloeocapsamorpha Gloeocapsamorpha sp USSR(Urals) Early Riphean