Geological reference section of the Eocene strata of the Sumeg and Csabrendek area, from the Bore Cn-850
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A Sumeg-Csabrendek Kornyeki Eocen Kepzodmenyek Foldtani Alapszelvenye a Csabrendeki Cn-850 Sz Furas Alapjan
Gidai,L. (1977) Geological reference section of the Eocene strata of the Sumeg and Csabrendek area, from the Bore Cn-850 [ A Sumeg-Csabrendek Kornyeki Eocen Kepzodmenyek Foldtani Alapszelvenye a Csabrendeki Cn-850 Sz Furas Alapjan ] A Magyar Allami Fжldtani Int©zet ‰vi Jelent©se, ‰vrжl P. 229- 247
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Symplocoipollenites Symplocoipollenites vestibulum Hungary Early Lutetian
Triatriopollenites Triatriopollenites dilatus Hungary Early Cuisian
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Tricolporopollenites Tricolporopollenites cingulum Hungary Late Cuisian Early Lutetian
Tricolporopollenites Tricolporopollenites semiglobosus Hungary Early Lutetian
Triporopollenites Triporopollenites balinkaense Hungary Early Cuisian Middle Cuisian