Megaspores from Carbonaceous Shale of Lower Gondwana sediments of Bankura District, West Bengal, India. (In: Proceedings, Symposium and Technical Sessions. R.S. Tiwari, editors)
Karmakar,S.K. et al. (1984) Megaspores from Carbonaceous Shale of Lower Gondwana sediments of Bankura District, West Bengal, India. (In: Proceedings, Symposium and Technical Sessions. R.S. Tiwari, editors) Proceedings, Symposium and Technical Sessions. Special Publication.(R.S. Tiwari, editors). Indian Geophytological Conference, Proceedings,5th. P. 116- 118
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Genus Species Country(Region) From To
Biharisporites Biharisporites distinctus India(West Bengal) Late Artinskian
Biharisporites Biharisporites sparsus India(West Bengal) Late Artinskian
Bokarosporites Bokarosporites psilatus India(West Bengal) Late Artinskian
Erlansonisporites Erlansonisporites sparassis India(West Bengal) Late Artinskian
Jhariatriletes Jhariatriletes baculosus India(West Bengal) Late Artinskian
Singhisporites Singhisporites surangei India(West Bengal) Late Artinskian
Singhisporites Singhisporites waltonii India(West Bengal) Late Artinskian
Srivastavaesporites Srivastavaesporites endosporitiferus India(West Bengal) Late Artinskian