Stratigraphy and oil potential of Lower Triassic deposits of the eastern fringe of the Precaspian Depression.
Foreign title:
Stratigrafiya i Neftenosnost Nizhetriasovykh otlozhenii Vostochoi Okrainy Pricaspiiskoi Vpaniny
Avrov,P.Y. et al. (1966)
Stratigraphy and oil potential of Lower Triassic deposits of the eastern fringe of the Precaspian Depression. [ Stratigrafiya i Neftenosnost Nizhetriasovykh otlozhenii Vostochoi Okrainy Pricaspiiskoi Vpaniny ] Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Kazakhskoy SSR, Seriya Geologicheskaya = Khabarlary Kazakh SSR, Fylym Akademiyasynyn
Vol. 1966 # 1 P. 11- 20