Discussion to the age of metamorphosed sediments of the Veporic South of Helpa. (In: Paleogeographical evolution of the West Carpathians.)
Foreign title:
Diskusia k Veku Metamorfovanych sedimentov Veporika Juzne Od Helpy(In-Paleogeograficky Vyvoy Zapadnych Karpat)
Planderova,E. (1978) Discussion to the age of metamorphosed sediments of the Veporic South of Helpa. (In: Paleogeographical evolution of the West Carpathians.) [ Diskusia k Veku Metamorfovanych sedimentov Veporika Juzne Od Helpy(In-Paleogeograficky Vyvoy Zapadnych Karpat) ] Paleogeographical Evolution of the West Carpathians. P. 315- 320
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