Sporomorphs of the Neogene in Hungary
Foreign title:
A Magyarorszagi Neogene sporomorphai
Nagy,E. (1985) Sporomorphs of the Neogene in Hungary [ A Magyarorszagi Neogene sporomorphai ] Geologica Hungarica,Series Palaeontologica P. 1- 471
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Genus Species Country(Region) From To
Porocolpopollenites Porocolpopollenites hemicolpis Hungary Ottnangian Badenian
Porocolpopollenites Porocolpopollenites hidasensis Hungary Badenian Sarmatian
Porocolpopollenites Porocolpopollenites latiporis Hungary Eggenburgian Sarmatian
Porocolpopollenites Porocolpopollenites orbiformis Hungary Ottnangian Badenian
Porocolpopollenites Porocolpopollenites stereoformis Hungary Egerian Badenian
Porocolpopollenites Porocolpopollenites triangulus Hungary Egerian Badenian
Porocolpopollenites Porocolpopollenites vestibulum Hungary Karpathian Badenian
Proteacidites Proteacidites egerensis Hungary Egerian Badenian
Pseudotsugoidites Pseudotsugoidites mecsekensis Hungary Karpathian
Pteracanthopollenites Pteracanthopollenites discordatus Hungary Eggenburgian
Pterocarya Pterocarya sp sp. nov. Hungary Egerian Pannonian
Pterocaryapollenites Pterocaryapollenites mecsekensis Hungary Badenian Pannonian
Pterocaryapollenites Pterocaryapollenites rotundiformis Hungary Badenian Early Pannonian
Pterocaryapollenites Pterocaryapollenites stellatus Hungary Egerian Pannonian
Punctatisporites Punctatisporites crassiexinus Hungary Egerian Badenian
Punctatisporites Punctatisporites crassimaximus Hungary Egerian Karpathian
Punctatisporites Punctatisporites punctatoides Hungary Badenian