The stratigraphy and development of the Keuper in North-West Poland. (In: Stratigraphy of the Keuper in Poland. B.Modzelewska, editor)
Foreign title:
Stratygrafia i Rozwoj Kajpru w Polnocno-Zachodniej Polsce. (In: Stratygrafia Kajpru w Polsce. B.Wodzelewska,editor)
Gajewska,I. (1978) The stratigraphy and development of the Keuper in North-West Poland. (In: Stratigraphy of the Keuper in Poland. B.Modzelewska, editor) [ Stratygrafia i Rozwoj Kajpru w Polnocno-Zachodniej Polsce. (In: Stratygrafia Kajpru w Polsce. B.Wodzelewska,editor) ] Prace Instytut Geologiczny,(Warsaw) Vol. 87 P. 1- 59
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Genus Species Country(Region) From To
Alisporites Alisporites astigmosus Poland Early Lettenkeuper Middle Schilfsandstein
Anapiculatisporites Anapiculatisporites telephorus Poland Early Lettenkeuper Middle Lettenkeuper
Apiculatasporites Apiculatasporites hirsutus Poland Middle Schilfsandstein
Apiculatasporites Apiculatasporites lativerrucosus Poland Early Schilfsandstein Middle Schilfsandstein
Aratrisporites Aratrisporites coryliseminis Poland Early Lettenkeuper Middle Lettenkeuper
Aratrisporites Aratrisporites fimbriatus Poland Early Lettenkeuper Middle Lettenkeuper
Aratrisporites Aratrisporites granulatus Poland Early Lettenkeuper Middle Lettenkeuper
Aratrisporites Aratrisporites paraspinosus Poland Early Lettenkeuper Middle Schilfsandstein
Aratrisporites Aratrisporites scabratus Poland Early Lettenkeuper Middle Lettenkeuper
Aratrisporites Aratrisporites sp Poland Early Lettenkeuper Middle Lettenkeuper
Camarozonosporites Camarozonosporites laevigatus Poland Early Schilfsandstein Middle Schilfsandstein
Camarozonosporites Camarozonosporites medius Poland Early Schilfsandstein Middle Schilfsandstein
Camerosporites Camerosporites secatus Poland Late Gipskeuper
Conbaculatisporites Conbaculatisporites longdonensis Poland Late Lettenkeuper Early Schilfsandstein
Conbaculatisporites Conbaculatisporites mesozoicus Poland Early Schilfsandstein
Dijkstraisporites Dijkstraisporites beutleri Poland Early Lettenkeuper Middle Lettenkeuper
Disaccites Disaccites incertae sedis Poland Early Lettenkeuper Early Steinmergel