Lithological and palynological investigation of Paleogene deposits on the Left Bank of the River Tom
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Litologo-Palinologicheskoe Issledovanie otlozhenii Paleogena Levoberezh'Ya R.Tomi
Aleksandrova,L.V. et al. (1971) Lithological and palynological investigation of Paleogene deposits on the Left Bank of the River Tom [ Litologo-Palinologicheskoe Issledovanie otlozhenii Paleogena Levoberezh'Ya R.Tomi ] Trudy Sibirskogo Nauchno-Issledovatelskogo Instituta Geologii Geofiziki i Mineralnogo Syrya (SNIIGGIMS). Ministerstva Geologii SSSR,Vypusk Vol. 117 P. 73- 87
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Genus Species Country(Region) From To
Abies Abies USSR(Tomskaya Oblast) Late Oligocene
Anacardiaceae Anacardiaceae USSR(Tomskaya Oblast) Late Eocene Middle Oligocene
Aralia Aralia USSR(Tomskaya Oblast) Late Eocene
Betula Betula USSR(Tomskaya Oblast) Late Eocene Middle Oligocene
Carpinus Carpinus USSR(Tomskaya Oblast) Late Eocene Late Oligocene
Carya Carya USSR(Tomskaya Oblast) Late Eocene
Castanea Castanea USSR(Tomskaya Oblast) Late Oligocene
Castanea Castanea crenataeformis USSR(Tomskaya Oblast) Late Eocene Middle Oligocene
Castanopsis Castanopsis pseudocingulum USSR(Tomskaya Oblast) Late Eocene Middle Oligocene
Castanopsis Castanopsis sp USSR(Tomskaya Oblast) Late Eocene
Cedrus Cedrus USSR(Tomskaya Oblast) Late Eocene
Comptonia Comptonia USSR(Tomskaya Oblast) Late Eocene
Corylus Corylus USSR(Tomskaya Oblast) Late Eocene Late Oligocene
Cyatheaceae Cyatheaceae USSR(Tomskaya Oblast) Late Eocene
Dacrydiumites Dacrydiumites USSR(Tomskaya Oblast) Early Oligocene Middle Oligocene
Dicksoniaceae Dicksoniaceae USSR(Tomskaya Oblast) Late Eocene
Ephedra Ephedra USSR(Tomskaya Oblast) Late Eocene