Stratigraphy and correlation of Riphean and Vendian deposits of the Kola Peninsula. (In: Upper Proterozoic Stratigraphy of the USSR (Riphean and Vendian). (V.M.Keller and M.A.Semikhatov, editors)
Foreign title:
Stratigrafiya i korrelyatsiya Rifeiskih i Vendskikh otlozhenii Kol'skogo Poluostrova. (In: Stratigrafiya verkhnego Proterozoya SSSR.(Rifel i Vend). B.M.Keller and M.A.Semikhatov,editors)
Ragozina,A.L. et al. (1979) Stratigraphy and correlation of Riphean and Vendian deposits of the Kola Peninsula. (In: Upper Proterozoic Stratigraphy of the USSR (Riphean and Vendian). (V.M.Keller and M.A.Semikhatov, editors) [ Stratigrafiya i korrelyatsiya Rifeiskih i Vendskikh otlozhenii Kol'skogo Poluostrova. (In: Stratigrafiya verkhnego Proterozoya SSSR.(Rifel i Vend). B.M.Keller and M.A.Semikhatov,editors) ] Izdatelstvo Nauka, Moscow, USSR. P. 129- 132
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Genus Species Country(Region) From To
Oscillatorites Oscillatorites sp USSR(Karelian ASSR) Vendian
Pterospermopsimorpha Pterospermopsimorpha sp USSR(Karelian ASSR) Vendian
Stictosphaeridium Stictosphaeridium USSR(Karelian ASSR) Late Riphean
Stictosphaeridium Stictosphaeridium implexum USSR(Karelian ASSR) Vendian
Symplassosphaeridium Symplassosphaeridium sp USSR(Karelian ASSR) Late Riphean Vendian
Synsphaeridium Synsphaeridium USSR(Karelian ASSR) Late Riphean
Synsphaeridium Synsphaeridium conglutinatum USSR(Karelian ASSR) Vendian
Trachysphaeridium Trachysphaeridium USSR(Karelian ASSR) Late Riphean
Trachysphaeridium Trachysphaeridium laminaritum USSR(Karelian ASSR) Vendian
Trematosphaeridium Trematosphaeridium holtedahlii USSR(Karelian ASSR) Middle Riphean
Trematosphaeridium Trematosphaeridium sp USSR(Karelian ASSR) Vendian