Palaeozoic, Mesozoic and contemporaneous megaspores from the Tertiary of Southern England: Indicators of sedimentary provenace and ancient vegetation.
Collinson,M.E. et al. (1985) Palaeozoic, Mesozoic and contemporaneous megaspores from the Tertiary of Southern England: Indicators of sedimentary provenace and ancient vegetation. Journal of the Geological Society, London Vol. 142 P. 375- 395
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Genus Species Country(Region) From To
Azolla Azolla teschiana England(Kent) Late Paleocene
Cystosporites Cystosporites varius England(Kent) Late Paleocene
Dijkstraisporites Dijkstraisporites helios England(Kent) Late Paleocene
Dijkstraisporites Dijkstraisporites sp England(Kent) Late Paleocene
Echitriletes Echitriletes lanatus England(Kent) Late Paleocene
Erlansonisporites Erlansonisporites sp England(Kent) Late Paleocene
Erlansonisporites Erlansonisporites sparassis England(Kent) Late Paleocene
Horstisporites Horstisporites sp England(Kent) Late Paleocene
Laevigatisporites Laevigatisporites reinschii England(Kent) Late Paleocene
Lagenicula Lagenicula horrida England(Kent) Late Paleocene
Lagenoisporites Lagenoisporites rugosus England(Kent) Late Paleocene
Lycospora Lycospora sp England(Kent) Late Paleocene
Minerisporites Minerisporites glossoferus England(Kent) Late Paleocene
Minerisporites Minerisporites mirabilis England(Kent) Late Paleocene
Minerisporites Minerisporites sp England(Kent) Late Paleocene
Paxillitriletes Paxillitriletes reticulatus England(Kent) Late Paleocene
Paxillitriletes Paxillitriletes sp England(Kent) Late Paleocene