Palynology: A tool for Identifying marine and Continental facies at the Upper Muschelkalk Lettenkohle boundary.
Foreign title:
La palynologie: un Outil de Caracterisation des Facies Marins et Continentaux a la limite Muschelkalk Superieur Lettenkohle.
Duringer,P. et al. (1983)
Palynology: A tool for Identifying marine and Continental facies at the Upper Muschelkalk Lettenkohle boundary. [ La palynologie: un Outil de Caracterisation des Facies Marins et Continentaux a la limite Muschelkalk Superieur Lettenkohle. ] L'Association des Palynologues de Langue Francaise,Symposium,8th ;Paris.Octobre 10-12,1983(Poster Session)