Deltoidospora sp

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Stephanian Kansas Peppers,R.A. Palynology of the Lost Branch Formation of Kansas: New insight the major floral transition at the Middle - Upper Pennsylvanian boundary. 1997
details Tertiary China(Shansi) Sun,X. et al. Cenozoic sporo-pollen assemblage of the Weihi Basin, Shaanxi. 1980
details Tertiary China(Sinkiang Uighur) Jiang,D.-X. et al. Petroleum sporo-pollen assemblages and oil source rock of Kuche Seg in Xinjiang. 1983
details Tertiary South Africa de Villiers,S.E. et al. An analysis of the palynomorphs obtained from Tertiary sediments at Koingnaas, Namaqualand, South Africa 2001
details Thanetian England(Essex) Jolley,D.W. Palynofloral association sequence stratigraphy of the Palaeocene Thanet Beds and equivalent Sediemtns in eastern England 1992
details Thanetian Egypt Mahmoud,M.S. et al. On the occurrence of some Paleocene palynomorphs from the Dakhla and Esna Formations, Kharga Oasis area, Egypt. 1993
details Tithonian Quattrocchio,M.E. et al. Dinoflagellate cysts and acritarchs from the Middle and Upper Jurassic of the Neuqu©ns Basin, Argentina. 1992
details Tithonian Volkheimer,W. et al. Upper Jurassic microfloral findings from the southern border of the Neuquina Basin (Argentine Republic). 1975
details Tithonian Albian Volkheimer,W. et al. Palynological characteristics of the Upper Juarssic and Lower Cretaceous Formations of the Neuqu©n Basin, (Argenine Republic). 1976
details Tithonian Valanginian Iraq Al-Ameri,T.K. et al. Palynofacies indications of depositional environments and source potential for hydrocarbons: Uppermost Jurassic - Basal Cretaceous Sulaiy Formation, southern Iraq. 1999
details Toarcian Bajocian Iran Kimyai,A. Jurassic palynological assemblages from the Shahrud Region, Iran. 1975
details Triassic China(Shensi) Qu,Y. Spores and pollen (Triassic). (In: Mesozoic Stratigraphy and Palaeontology of the Shan-Gan-Ning Basin.) 1980
details Triassic Argentina(Mendoza) Zavattieri,A.M. Palynology of Potrerillos Formation, (Triassic), at the type locality, (Cuyo Basin, Mendoza Province, Argentina), Part LI: Pollen grains statistical aspects. Palynostratigraphic correlation. 1987
details Triassic Canada(NWT,Mackenzie) Jeletzky,J.A. Jurassic and (?)Triassic rocks of the eastern slope of Richardson Mountains, Northwestern District of MacKenzie. 1967
details Triassic Canada(NWT,Mackenzie) Mountjoy,E.W. Triassic stratigraphy of northern Yukon Territory. 1967
details Triassic Jurassic England(Offshore) Traverse,A. Nonmarine palynofloral "Behavior" in the Great Die-Offs 1994
details Turonian China(Guangdong) Li,W. A Turonian palynological assemblage from Dongguan, Guangdong. 2000