Deltoidospora sp

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Aptian Middle Albian Canada(NWT,Mackenzie) Cook,D.G. et al. Ontaratue River (106J), Travaillant Lake (106-O), and Canot Lake 106P) Map areas, District of MacKenzie, Northwest Terriories. 1975
details Aptian Volkheimer,W. et al. Palynological study of the Huitrin Formation, Cretaceous of the Neuqu©n Basin, and its type locality. 1976
details Aptian Albian Brazil(Maranhao) Lima,E.C. Biostratigraphy of the Barreirinhas Basin. 1975
details Aptian Campanian Egypt Schrank,E. et al. Cretaceous (Aptian-Maestrichtian) palynology of foraminifera-dated wells (KRM-1, AG-18) in Northwestern Egypt. 1995
details Aptian Canada(Eastern Offshore) Barss,M.S. et al. A palynological zonation and correlation of Sixty-Seven wells, 1979
details Aptian Canada(Eastern Offshore) Barss,M.S. et al. A palynological zonation and correlation of Sixty-Seven wells, 1979
details Aptian Middle Albian Iraq Al-Ameri,T.K. et al. Palynomorph and palynofacies indications of age, depositional environments and source potential for hydrocarbons:Lower Cretac Zubair Formation, Southern Iraq 1997
details Aptian Egypt Abdel-Kireem,M.R. et al. Cretaceous palaeoecology, palaeogeography and palaeoclimatology the northern Western Desert Egypt 1996
details Aptian Albian Alaska(North Slope) Haga,H. et al. Palynology report of outcrop samples from North Slope, Alaska (preliminary). 1990
details Aptian Albian Alaska(North Slope) Haga,H, Palynology report of outcrop samples from North Slope, Alaska. 1990
details Aptian Albian Alaska Reifenstuhl,R.R. et al. Micropaleontology of 38 outcrop samples from the Chandler Lake, demarcation points, Mount Michelson, Philip Smith Mountains, and Sagavanirktok quadrangles, Northeast Alaska. 1993
details Aptian Albian Alaska(North Slope) Haga,H. et al. 1990 Palynology report of outcrop samples from North Slope, Alaska (preliminary). 1990
details Aptian Albian Alaska(North Slope) Mickey,M.B. et al. Biostratigraphy report 129 outcrop samples Western Delong Mountains (Tingmerkpuk), North Slope, Alaska. 2000
details Aptian Albian Alaska(North Slope) Mickey,M.B. et al. Biostratigraphy report 129 outcrop samples Western Delong Mountains (Tingmerkpuk), North Slope, Alaska. 2000
details Aptian Albian Alaska(North Slope) Mickey,M.B. et al. Biostratigraphy report 129 outcrop samples Western Delong Mountains (Tingmerkpuk), North Slope, Alaska. 2000
details Aptian Albian Alaska(North Slope) Mickey,M.B. et al. Biostratigraphy report 129 outcrop samples Western Delong Mountains (Tingmerkpuk), North Slope, Alaska. 2000
details Aptian Albian Alaska(North Slope) Mickey,M.B. et al. Biostratigraphy report 129 outcrop samples Western Delong Mountains (Tingmerkpuk), North Slope, Alaska. 2000