Deltoidospora sp

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Jurassic Early Albian Arizona Lawton,T.F. et al. Stratigraphy and structure of the lower part of the Bisbee Group, northeastern Chiricahua Mountains Arizona. (In: Studies on the Mesozoic of Sonora and adjacent areas. C.Jacques-Ayala et al, editors) 1995
details Aptian Campanian Egypt Schrank,E. et al. Cretaceous (Aptian-Maestrichtian) palynology of foraminifera-dated wells (KRM-1, AG-18) in Northwestern Egypt. 1995
details Late Paleocene Middle Eocene Louisiana Gregory,W.A. et al. Distribution of dinoflagellates in a subsurface marine Wilcox (Paleocene-Eocene) section in Southwest Louisiana 1995
details Late Paleocene Middle Eocene Louisiana Gregory,W.A. et al. Distribution of pollen and spores in a subsurface marine Wilcox (Paleocene-Eocene) section in Southwest Louisiana 1995
details Late Albian Cenomanian Egypt Mahmoud,M.S. et al. New contributions to the geology of the Gebel Abraq area, southeast Aswan (Egypt): Recognition of Middle Cretaceous Stratigraphic Unit. 1995
details Paleocene Wyoming Kremp,G.O.W. Report of referred fossils.2. 1960
details Aptian Albian Brazil(Maranhao) Lima,E.C. Biostratigraphy of the Barreirinhas Basin. 1975
details Late Givetian Early Frasnian New York Traverse,A. et al. Palynolostratigraphy of the Catskill and part of the Chemung Magnafacies, Southern New York State, USA. 1994
details Selandian Argentina(Jujuy) Quattrocchio,M.E. et al. Palynology and paleoenvironment of the "Faja Gris" Mealla Formation (Salta Group) at Garabatal Creek (northwest Argentina). 1997
details Illyrian Switzerland Sommaruga,A. et al. The Middle Trissic (Anisian) Conglomerates from Capo San Martin South of Lugano-Paradiso (Southern Alps, Switzerland) 1997
details Late Eocene Oligocene India(Assam) Handique,G.K. et al. Stratigraphy, depositional environment and hydrocarbon prospect Moran oilfield, Upper Assam. 1992
details Barremian Early Albian Canada(British Columbia) Bassett,K.N. et al. Early to Middle Cretaceous paleogeography of North-Central British Columbia: stratigraphy and basin analysis of the Skeena Group 1997
details Stephanian Kansas Peppers,R.A. Palynology of the Lost Branch Formation of Kansas: New insight the major floral transition at the Middle - Upper Pennsylvanian boundary. 1997
details Tuvalian Czechoslovakia(Slovensko) Planderova,E. Upper Triassic microfloristic association from the West Carpathians Region 1988
details Albian Canada(Yukon) Norris,D.K. et al. The Goelogy of the Bonnet Plume Basin, Yukon Territory 1977
details Late Cretaceous Tertiary India(Assam) Dutta,S.K. et al. Palyno-stratigraphy of the Tertiary sedimentary Formations of Assam. 5.Stratigraphy and palynology of South Shillog 1970
details Late Albian Montana Crabtree,D.R. Mid-Cretaceous ferns in situ, from the Albino Member of the Mowry Shale, Southwestern Montana 1988