Deltoidospora sp

Citations total:
Author - title
details Early Devonian USSR(Urals) Chibrikova,E.V. Stratigraphy of Devonian and older Paleozoic deposits of the Southern Urals and the Pre-Urals (According to plant Microfssils). 1977
details Hettangian Canada(NWT,Franklin) Dolby,G. et al. The micropalaeontology, palynology and stratigraphy of the Panarctic Dome, Tenneco et al.Louise 0-25 Well. 1977
details Liassic Argentina(San Juan) Volkheimer,W. et al. Biostratigraphy of the Lias in the high Cordillera of San Juan. 1978
details Albian Volkheimer,W. Fossil microfloras. 1978
details Middle Purbeckian England(Dorset) Lord,A.R. et al. Dorset; Jurassic. (In: Mesozoic and Cenozoic stratigraphical micropalaeontology of the Dorset coast and Isle of Wight, southern England. Field guide for the XXth European Micropalaeontological Colloquium. A.R.Lord and P.R.Bown, editors) 1987
details Paleocene Wyoming Kremp,G.O.W. Report of referred fossils.2. 1960
details Early Campanian Indonesia(Irian) Fraser,T.H. et al. A new dynamic Mesozoic stratigraphy for the West Irian Micro-Continent Indonesia and its implications. 1993
details Early Aptian Argentina(San Luis) PrЎmparo,M.B. New palynological data from the type locality of La Cantera Formation Cretaceous of San Luis Basin, Argentina. 1988
details Early Missourian Illinois Peppers,R.A. Palynological correlation of major Pennsylvanian, (Middle and Upper Carboniferous), chronostratigraphic boundaries in Illinois and other Acoal Basins. 1996
details Late Rhaetian Italy Cirilli,S. et al. Palynostratigraphy and palynofacies of the Late Triassic R.Contorta facies in northern Apennines: Ii) the Monte Cetona Formation 1994
details Late Eocene England(Isle of Wight) Hooker,J.J. et al. Reconstruction of land and freshwater palaeoenvironments near the Eocene-Oligocene boundary southern England. 1995
details Julian W.Germany(Bavaria) Visscher,H. et al. Rejection of a Carnian (Late Triassic) "Pluvial event" in Europe. 1994
details Early Aptian USSR(Krasnodar Kray) Davey,R.J. Preliminary study of the Lower Cretaceous and Middle Jurassic palynology of the Gelendzhik region, Caucasus, Russia. 1994
details Late Miocene Canada(British Columbia) White,J.M. et al. New Miocene fossil discoveries in the Skonun Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands British Columbia and implications for the basin stratigraphy and climate. (In: Contributions to Canadian Paleontology.) 1994
details Early Oligocene Mississippi Oboh,F.E. et al. Early Oligocene palynosequences in the eastern Gulf Coast, USA. 1994
details Early Oligocene Alabama Oboh,F.E. et al. Early Oligocene palynosequences in the eastern Gulf Coast, USA. 1994
details Early Eocene Wyoming Fleming,R.F. et al. Multivariate analyses of palynomorph data as a key to depositional environments of Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene coal-bearing rocks of the western United States. (In: Sedimentation of Organic Particles. A.Traverse, editor) 1994