Deltoidospora sp

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Thanetian Egypt Mahmoud,M.S. et al. On the occurrence of some Paleocene palynomorphs from the Dakhla and Esna Formations, Kharga Oasis area, Egypt. 1993
details Middle Miocene China(Kansu) Ma,Y.-Z. Tertiary sporo-pollen assemblages from Southern Dunhuang Basin, Gansu Province 1991
details Middle Albian China(Manchuria,Jilin) Shang,Y.-K. Discovery of Early Cretaceous pollen and spores from the Luozigou Basin, Wangqing County, Jilin. 1991
details Late Albian Egypt Schrank,E. et al. Palynological evidence for the age and depositional environment of the Cretaceous Omdurman Formation in the Khartoum area, Sudan. 1990
details Early Stephanian Texas Gennett,J.A. et al. Palynology of the Upper Pennsylvanian Dalton Coal, Palo Pinto County, Texas, USA. 1993
details Cenomanian France(Dordogne) Fechner,G.G. et al. Sedimentology, paleontology and palynology of the Cenomanian deposits North of Simeyrols, Dodogne France 1989
details Early Barremian Spain Mohr,B.A.R. New palynological information on the age and environment of Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous Vertebrate localities of the Iberian Peninsula (Eastern Spain and Portugal) 1989
details Aptian Egypt Mahmoud,M.S. et al. Importance of Mid-Cretaceous key miospores for the age-dating of the non-marine Six Hills Formation, West of the Abu Tartur Plateau, New Valley, Egypt. 1994
details Middle Jurassic Peru Sarjeant,W.A.S. et al. Jurassic palynomorphs of the Circum-Pacific Region. (In: The Jurassic of the Circum-Pacific. G.E.G Westermann, editor) 1992
details Maastrichtian Somalia Schrank,E. Upper Cretaceous Coal-bearing sediments in northern Somalia; Short note on palynological age and palaeoenvironment 1990
original Paleocene Texas Elsik,W.C. Palynology of a Paleocene Rockdale Lignite, Milam County, Texas. I. Morphology and taxonomy. 1968
original Paleocene Texas Elsik,W.C. Palynology of a Paleocene Rockdale Lignite, Milam County, Texas. I. Morphology and taxonomy. 1968
original Late Jurassic Canada(W.Canada) Pocock,S.A.J. Microfloral analysis and age determination of strata at the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary in the Western Canada Plains 1962
original Nd Nd Pocock,S.A.J. Microfloral analysis and age determination of strata at the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary in the Western Canada Plains 1962
original Late Jurassic Canada(British Columbia) Rouse,G.E. Plant microfossils from Kootenay Coal-Measures strata of British Columbia. 1959
details Anisian New Zealand de Jersey,N.J. et al. Triassic and Earliest Jurassic miospores from the Murihiku Supergroup, New Zealand. 1990
details Early Norian New Zealand de Jersey,N.J. et al. Triassic and Earliest Jurassic miospores from the Murihiku Supergroup, New Zealand. 1990