Deltoidospora sp

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Carnian Norian Indian Ocean Brenner,W. First results of Late Triassic palynology of the Wombat Plateau, northwestern Australia 1992
original Carnian Norian USSR(Urals) Golubeva,L.P. Miospore complexes of Triassic deposits of the stratotype sections of the Bolshesenininsk Depression of the Cis-Urals Trough. (In: Stratigrafiya Triasa Urala i Predural'ya.Sbornik po Voprosam Stratigrafii. #27. V.I. Tuzhikova and G.N.Papulov, editor) 1979
details Carnian Virginia Robbins,E.I. et al. Preliminary analysis of unusual palynomorphs from the Taylorsville and deep Run Basins in the eastern Piedmont of Virginia. (In: Studies of the Early Mesozoic Basins of the eastern United States. A.J. Froelich and G.R. Robinson, editors) 1988
details Cenomanian Kansas Farley,M.B. et al. Correlation between miospores and depositional environments of the Dakota Formation (Mid-Cretaceous) of North Central Kansas and adjacent Nebraska, USA. 1986
details Cenomanian Nebraska Farley,M.B. et al. Correlation between miospores and depositional environments of the Dakota Formation (Mid-Cretaceous) of North Central Kansas and adjacent Nebraska, USA. 1986
details Cenomanian Turonian Canada(NWT,Mackenzie) Hopkins,W.S. Report No.K-7 WSH 1970. (In: Appendix: Reconnaissance Geology, Southern Great Bear Plain, District of MacKenzie. H.R.Balkwell, editor) 1971
details Cenomanian California Kimyai,A. Geology and palynology of Del Puerto Canyon, Stanislaus County. 1987
details Cenomanian Argentina(Chubut) Lapido,O.R. et al. Stratigraphic and structural relationship of the Bajo de la Fierra Colorado (Chubut Province) 1979
details Cenomanian France(Dordogne) Fechner,G.G. et al. Sedimentology, paleontology and palynology of the Cenomanian deposits North of Simeyrols, Dodogne France 1989
original Cenomanian Coniacian Wyoming Upshaw,C.F. Palynologic zonation of the Upper Cretaceous Frontier Formation near Dubois, Wyoming. (In: Palynology in Oil Exploration, Aureal T. Cross, editor) 1964
details Cenomanian Maastrichtian Mongolian Republic Cai,Y.-X. New data on the Late Cretaceous strata of the Hetao Basin of Nei Mongol, (Inner Mongolia). 1988
details Cenomanian Utah May,F.E. A survey of palynomorphs from several coal-bearing horizons of Utah. 1972
details Cenomanian Utah May,F.E. A survey of palynomorphs from several coal-bearing horizons of Utah. 1972
details Cenomanian Wyoming Griesbach,F.R. Preliminary palynology of the Lower Frontier Formation, southwestern Wyoming. 1956
details Cenomanian Early Turonian Egypt Schrank,E. et al. New taxa of angiosperm pollen, miospores and associated palymorphs from the early Late Cretaceous of Egypt (Maghrabi Formation, Kharga Oasis). 2000
details Cenomanian Egypt Schrank,E. et al. New taxa of angiosperm pollen, miospores and associated palynomorphs from the early Late Cretaceous of Egypt (Maghrabi Formation, Kharga Oasis). 2000
details Cenomanian Middle Eocene China(N.China) Song,Z.-C. et al. Fossil Spores and Pollen of China. Volume 1: The Late Cretaceous and Tertiary Spores and Pollen. 1999