Deltoidospora sp

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Berriasian Valanginian Chile Baldoni,A.M. et al. Palynology of the Springhill Formation, (Early Cretaceous), Austral Basin of Argentina and Chile. 1983
details Berriasian Quattrocchio,M.E. et al. Palynological study of the Berriasian at Mallin Quemado locality, Neuqu©n Provincia, Argentina. 1985
details Berriasian Albian South America Riccardi,A.C. The Cretaceous System of southern South America. 1988
details Berriasian China(Songalio Basin) Zhao,C. et al. Jurassic and Cretaceous boundary palynology in northeast China. 2000
details Berriasian South Korea Choi,D.K. Spores and pollen from the Gyeongsang Supergroup, southeastern Korea and their chronologic and paleoecologic implications. 1985
details Callovian Early Oxfordian North Sea Hoelstad,T. Palynology of the Middle Jurassic Lower Graben Sand Formation of the U-1 Well, Danish Central Trough. 1986
details Callovian Ryazanian North Sea Abbink,O.A. et al. A Sporomorph Ecogroup model and its application to an example from the Northwest European Upper Jurassic. (In: Palynological Investigation in the Jurassic of the North Sea Region. O.A. Abbink) 1998
details Callovian Early Kimmeridgian Netherlands Abbink,O.A. et al. Palynology-based hydrocarbon geology: Application of a Sporomorph Ecogroup Model to Callovian - Early Kimmeridgian paralic of The Netherlands. (In: Palynological Investigation in the Jurassic of the North Sea Region. O.A. Abbink) 1998
details Campanian Maastrichtian Mexico(Coahuila) Mart­nez-HernЎndez,E. et al. Application of palynology in the detection of environment of deposition, Cuenca Fuentes-Rio Escondito, Coahuila, Mexico. 1980
details Campanian Maastrichtian Egypt Schrank,E. Organic-geochemical and palynological studies of a Dakhla Shale Profile, (Late Cretacous), in Southeast Egypt. Part A. Succession of microfloras and depositional environment. 1984
details Campanian Canada(NWT,Mackenzie) Brideaux,W.W. Palynologic evidence for a very Late Cretaceous age of Little bear and East Fork Formation, District of MacKenzie 1971
details Campanian Antarctica Cao,L. Discovery of Late Cretaceous palynoflora from Fildes Peninsula, King George Island, Antarctica and its significance. 1989
details Campanian Montian Utah May,F.E. A survey of palynomorphs from several coal-bearing horizons of Utah. 1972
details Campanian Montian Utah May,F.E. A survey of palynomorphs from several coal-bearing horizons of Utah. 1972
details Campanian Alaska(North Slope) Mickey,M.B. et al. Biostratigraphy report 129 outcrop samples Western Delong Mountains (Tingmerkpuk), North Slope, Alaska. 2000
details Carboniferous France(Jura) Navale,G.K.B. Coal- A palyno-petrographic approach. 1963
details Carnian Norian Argentina(Chaco) Men©ndez,C.A. Palynology of Permian and Triassic strata from South America. 1979