Deltoidospora sp

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Julian W.Germany(Bavaria) Visscher,H. et al. Rejection of a Carnian (Late Triassic) "Pluvial event" in Europe. 1994
details Late Cenomanian Early Turonian W.Germany(Helgoland) Batten,D.J. et al. Palynology of Upper Cretaceous "Black Shales" from Helgoland, South North Sea. (In: The Cretaceous of the North Sea, Helgoland. F.Schmid and C.Spaeth, editors) 1991
details Aptian Albian W.Germany(N.Rhine) Clausen,C.D. et al. Paleogeography, tectonics and karstic morphology of south and east Warstein Carbonate Platform; Warstein Anticline, Rhenish Schieferbebirge. (In: Anticlinal Arches of Krefeld and Lippstadt, Major Transverse Structures along the Ruhr Coal Basin) 1982
details Wealden W.Germany(Niedersachsen) Riegel,W. et al. First results of a paleobotanic Dig in the fluvial Wealden facies of Osterwald near Hannover. (In: Reports of the Workgroup for Paleobotany and Palynology 1983-1985. F.Schaarschmidt, editor) 1986
details Early Valanginian W.Germany(Niedersachsen) Pelzer,G. et al. Depositional controls on the Lower Cretaceous Wealden Coals of Northwest Germany. (In: Controls on the distribution and quality of Cretaceous coals.P.J.Mccabe and J.T.Parrish, editors) 1992
details Rhaetian Early Liassic W.Germany(Niedersachsen) Heunisch,C. Palynological investigations in the Upper Keuper of Northwestern Germany 1996
details Middle Oligocene Late Oligocene Wales Wilkinson,G.C. et al. Oligocene pollen and spores from the western part of the British Isles. 1980
details Eocene Oligocene Washington Newman,K.R. Palynologic biostratigraphy of some Early Tertiary nonmarine formations in central and western Washington. 1981
details Miocene Washington Barnett,J. et al. Palynology and paleoecology of a sedimentary interbed in the Yakima Basalt, (Miocene), Palouse Falls, Washington. 1980
details Maastrichtian Early Paleocene Wyoming Nichols,D.J. et al. A new Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary locality in the Western Powder River Basin, Wyoming; Biological and geological implications. 1992
details Early Purbeckian Wyoming Dodson,P. et al. Taphonomy of the Morrison Formation, (Kimmeridgian-Portlandian), and the Cloverly Formation, (Aptian-Albian), of the Western United States. 1980
details Early Eocene Wyoming Nichols,D.J. Palynology of the Vermillion Creek Coal Bed and associated strata. (In: Geological Investigations of the Vermillion Creek Coal Bed in the Eocene Niland Tongue of the Wasatch Formation, Sweetwater County, Wyoming. H.W. Roehler and P.L. Martin, editors) 1987
original Cenomanian Coniacian Wyoming Upshaw,C.F. Palynologic zonation of the Upper Cretaceous Frontier Formation near Dubois, Wyoming. (In: Palynology in Oil Exploration, Aureal T. Cross, editor) 1964
details Maastrichtian Early Paleocene Wyoming Nichols,D.J. et al. Plant microfossil record of the terminal Cretaceous event in the Western United States and Canada. (In: Global catastrophes in earth history; An interdiciplinary conference on impacts, volcanism and mass mortality. V.L.Sharton et al, editors) 1990
details Cenomanian Wyoming Griesbach,F.R. Preliminary palynology of the Lower Frontier Formation, southwestern Wyoming. 1956
details Paleocene Wyoming Kremp,G.O.W. Report of referred fossils.2. 1960
details Late Paleocene Early Eocene Wyoming Farley,M.B. Palynomorph concentration in studies of Paleogene nonmarine depositional environments of Wyoming. (In: Sedimentation of Organic Particles. A.Traverse, editor) 1994