Deltoidospora sp

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Kimmeridgian Volkheimer,W. et al. Preliminary palynological data from the Kimmeridgian Tordillo Formation, Chacay Melehue, Neuquina, Argentina. 1993
details Late Toarcian Bajocian Martinez,M.A. et al. Palynofacies analysis applied to systems tract from the Middle Jurassic of the southwestern Neuqu©n Basin, Argentina. 1999
details Miocene Herbst,R. et al. Synthesis of the Miocene paleontology of the Calchaqu­ Valleys, Northwestern Argentina. 2000
details Asselian Kungurian Jasper,A. et al. The Botrychiopsis genus and its biostratigraphic implications in Southern ParanЎ Basin. 2003
details Late Oligocene Early Miocene Leanza,H.A. et al. Lacustrine black shales near to the Paleogene - Neogene boundary in north-western Neuqu©n Province: Palynological evidence. 2002
details Early Oligocene Alabama Oboh,F.E. et al. Early Oligocene palynosequences in the eastern Gulf Coast, USA. 1994
details Middle Eocene Pleistocene Alaska Olson,D.L. et al. Biostratigraphy. (In: Geological and Operational Summary Norton Sound Cost No.2 Well Norton Sound, Alaska. R.F.Turner, editor) 1987
details Albian Maastrichtian Alaska Spicer,R.A. et al. Evolution of vegetation and coal-forming environments in the Late Cretaceous of the North Slope of Alaska. (In: Controls on the distribution and quality of Cretaceous coals.P.J.Mccabe and J.T.Parrish, editors) 1992
details Permian Triassic Alaska Witmer,R.J. et al. Biostratigraphic correlation of selected test wells of National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska 1981
details Late Tournaisian Visean Alaska Ravn,R.L. Miospores of the Kekiktuk Formation (Lower Carboniferous), Endicott Field Area, Alaska North Slope. 1991
details Hauterivian Barremian Alaska Mickey,M.B. et al. Paleontologic data: Tingmerkpuk and related units, Northwestern De Long Mountains, Brooks Ranke, Alaska. 1995
details Albian Alaska Lyle,M.W. et al. Hydrocarbon reservoir and source-rock characteristics from selected areas of southwestern Alaska. 1982
details Hauterivian Barremian Alaska Mickey,M.B et al. Paleontologic data: Tingmerkpuk Sandstone and related units, northwestern de Long Mountains, Brooks Range, Alaska. 1995
details Albian Alaska Lyle;W.M. et al. Hydrocarbon reservoir and source-rock characteristics from selected areas of Southwestern Alaska. 1982
details Aptian Albian Alaska Reifenstuhl,R.R. et al. Micropaleontology of 38 outcrop samples from the Chandler Lake, demarcation points, Mount Michelson, Philip Smith Mountains, and Sagavanirktok quadrangles, Northeast Alaska. 1993
details Neocomian Alaska Vandergon,M.A. Microfossil compilation of Mesozoic and Cenozoic units Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Northeastern Alaska. 1986
details Neocomian Alaska Vandergon,M.A. Microfossil compilation of Mesozoic and Cenozoic units Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Northeastern Alaska. 1986