Deltoidospora sp

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Late Berriasian Germany Dжrhжfer,G. et al. Palynostratigraphic contributions to correlation of Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary strata in Germany and England. 1977
original Early Kimmeridgian Early Tithonian W.Germany(Baden) Dмrr,G. Palynostratigraphy of the Kimmeridgian and Tithonian of Southern Germany and correlation with Boreal flora 1988
original Middle Kimmeridgian W.Germany(Bavaria) Dмrr,G. Palynostratigraphy of the Kimmeridgian and Tithonian of Southern Germany and correlation with Boreal flora 1988
original Kimmeridgian Portlandian France(Pas-de-Calais) Dмrr,G. Palynostratigraphy of the Kimmeridgian and Tithonian of Southern Germany and correlation with Boreal flora 1988
details Barremian Early Aptian China(Inner Mongolia) Eberth,D.A. et al. The age of dinosaur-bearing sediments at Tebch, Inner Mongolia, People's Republic of China. 1993
details Middle Campanian Late Campanian Canada(Saskatchewan) Eberth,D.A. et al. Stratigraphy, sedimentology and vertebrate paleontology of the Judith River Formation (Campanian) near Muddy Lake, westcentral Saskatchewan. 1990
details Namurian C Virginia Eble,C.F. Lower and Lower Middle Pennsylvanian coal palynofloras, southwestern Virginia. 1996
details Miocene Texas Ebtehadj,K. Palynology of the subsurface Frio Formation, in Liberty and Chambers Counties, Texas. 1969
details Norian Early Rhaetian North Sea Eide,F. Biostratigraphic correlation within the Triassic Lunde Formation in Snorre Area. (In: Correlation in Hydrocarbon Exploration. J.D.Collinson, editor). 1990
original Paleocene Texas Elsik,W.C. Palynology of a Paleocene Rockdale Lignite, Milam County, Texas. I. Morphology and taxonomy. 1968
original Paleocene Texas Elsik,W.C. Palynology of a Paleocene Rockdale Lignite, Milam County, Texas. I. Morphology and taxonomy. 1968
details Miocene Pleistocene USA(Gulf of Mexico) Elsik,W.C. Late Neogene palynomorph diagrams, northern Gulf of Mexico. 1969
details Claiborne Tennessee Elsik,W.C. et al. Palynology and age of clays exposed in Lawrence Clay Pit, Henry County, Tennessee. 1974
details Oxfordian Portugal Erve,A.W.Van et al. Palynological investigations of the Late Jurassic microflora from the Vertebrate locality Guimarota Coal Mine, (Leiria, Central Portugal). 1988
details Early Jurassic Israel Eshet,Y. et al. Palynozonation and correlation of the Permo-Triassic succession in the Negev, Israel. 1986
details Middle Permian Mozambique Falcon,R.M.S. et al. Petrology and palynology of Mozambique Coals-Mucanha-Vuzi Region. (In: Symposium on Gondwana Coals, Proceedings and Papers. M.J.Lemos de Sousa, editor) 1984
details Cenomanian Kansas Farley,M.B. et al. Correlation between miospores and depositional environments of the Dakota Formation (Mid-Cretaceous) of North Central Kansas and adjacent Nebraska, USA. 1986