Acanthaulax paliuros

Citations total:
Author - title
details Oxfordian Northern Hemisphere Stancliffe,R.P.W. et al. Oxfordian dinoflagellate cysts and provincialism. 1988
details Nd Nd Stover,L.E. et al. Analyses of pre-Pleistocene organic-walled dinoflagellates. 1978
details Oxfordian Nd Sarjeant,W.A.S. The stratigraphical distribution of fossil dinoflagellates. 1967
details Oxfordian Nd Lentin,J.K. et al. Fossil dinoflagellates: index to genera and species. 1973
details Oxfordian Nd Sarjeant,W.A.S. Stratigraphic range charts and Triassic and Jurassic dinoflagellates. 1975
details Late Jurassic Nd Sarjeant,W.A.S. Fossil and living dinoflagellates. 1974
details Middle Oxfordian Late Oxfordian Nd Sarjeant,W.A.S. A guide to the identification of Jurassic dinoflagellate cysts. 1978
details Nd Nd Williams,G.L. et al. The Lentin and Williams Index of Fossil Dinoflagellates.1998 Edition. 1998
details Oxfordian Gondwanaland Stancliffe,R.P.W. et al. Oxfordian dinoflagellate cysts and provincialism. 1988
details Early Oxfordian France(Normandie) Sarjeant,W.A.S. Microplankton from the Upper Callovian and Lower Oxfordian of Normandy. 1968
details Oxfordian France(Normandie) Bignot,G. et al. The Oxfordian of Falaises des Vaches Noires near Auberville and Villers-sur-Mer. 1. Les Marnes de Villers, (Mariae). 1994
details Oxfordian Portlandian France(Jura) Courtinat,B. The organoclasts of the Malm Formations of Southern Jura: Systematics, biostratigraphy and paleoecological interpretation. 1989
details Early Oxfordian France(Herault) Smelror,M. Biogeography of Bathonian to Oxfordian (Jurassic) dinoflagellates: Arctic, northwest Europe and Circum-Mediterranean. 1993
details Oxfordian France Riley,L.A. et al. Survey of the stratigraphical distribution of dinoflagellates, acritarchs and tasmanitids in the Jurassic. 1972
details Oxfordian Europe Sarjeant,W.A.S. Middle and Upper Jurassic dinoflagellate cysts 1979
details Oxfordian Kimmeridgian Europe Stancliffe,R.P.W. et al. Oxfordian dinoflagellate cysts and provincialism. 1988
details Callovian Early Oxfordian England(Yorkshire) Smelror,M. Biogeography of Bathonian to Oxfordian (Jurassic) dinoflagellates: Arctic, northwest Europe and Circum-Mediterranean. 1993