
Citations total:
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details Late Valanginian Hauterivian USSR(Yakut ASSR) Kara-Murza,E.N. Some data on the composition of spore-pollen complexes of the marine Lower Cretaceous of the Nordvik Region. 1958
details Late Valanginian Hauterivian USSR(Taymyr Nat.Okrug) Kara-Murza,E.N. Some data on the composition of spore-pollen complexes of the marine Lower Cretaceous of the Nordvik Region. 1958
details Early Triassic USSR(Taymyr Nat.Okrug) Kara-Murza,E.N. Palynological basis of stratigraphical subdivision of the Mesozoic deposits of the Khatanga Depression. 1960
details Early Triassic USSR(Taymyr Nat.Okrug) Kara-Murza,E.N. Palynological basis of stratigraphical subdivision of the Mesozoic deposits of the Khatanga Depression. 1960
details Norian Rhaetian USSR(Taymyr Nat.Okrug) Kara-Murza,E.N. Palynological basis of stratigraphical subdivision of the Mesozoic deposits of the Khatanga Depression. 1960
details Norian Rhaetian USSR(Taymyr Nat.Okrug) Kara-Murza,E.N. Palynological basis of stratigraphical subdivision of the Mesozoic deposits of the Khatanga Depression. 1960
details Middle Jurassic USSR(Taymyr Nat.Okrug) Kara-Murza,E.N. Palynological basis of stratigraphical subdivision of the Mesozoic deposits of the Khatanga Depression. 1960
details Early Cretaceous USSR(Taymyr Nat.Okrug) Kara-Murza,E.N. Palynological basis of stratigraphical subdivision of the Mesozoic deposits of the Khatanga Depression. 1960
details Carnian USSR(Taymyr Nat.Okrug) Kara-Murza,E.N. Palynological basis of stratigraphical subdivision of the Mesozoic deposits of the Khatanga Depression. 1960
details Middle Triassic USSR(Taymyr Nat.Okrug) Kara-Murza,E.N. Palynological basis of stratigraphical subdivision of the Mesozoic deposits of the Khatanga Depression. 1960
details Early Jurassic USSR(Taymyr Nat.Okrug) Kara-Murza,E.N. Palynological basis of stratigraphical subdivision of the Mesozoic deposits of the Khatanga Depression. 1960
details Early Cretaceous Texas Kessler,L.G.I. Palynomorph distribution and depositional environments in the Glen Rose Formation (Lower Cretaceous) Somervell County, Texas. 1968
details Carboniferous USSR(Yakut ASSR) Kharkiv,A.D. Recent data on the age of Kimberlite Pipes of the Doldyn-Alakit Region 1967
details Toarcian USSR(Kazakh SSR) Kirichkova,A.I. et al. The reconstruction of the Aalenian vegetation of the Trans-Caspian and the problems of correlation of dissimilar deposits. (In: Ecostratigraphy and Ecological Systems of the Geological Past.) 1980
details Toarcian USSR(Mangyshlak ASSR) Kirichkova,A.I. et al. Phytostratigraphy of Jurassic deposits beneath the Manyshlak Peninsula 1989
details Olenikian USSR(Omskaya Oblast) Klimko,S.A. Triassic palynocomplexes of the central part of the Western Siberian Plate (according to the Nikoskaya Parametric Well). (In: Biostratigraphy of the Mesozoic of Siberia and the Far East. A.L.Yanshin et al, editors) 1986
details Middle Jurassic USSR(Buryat ASSR) Koleshikov,C.M. Stratigraphy of Mesozoic Coal deposits. (In: The History of Upper Mesozoic Coal Accumulation in the Territory of Buryat ASSR and the Southeast Part of the Lensk Basin.) 1963