
Citations total:
Author - title
details Early Miocene Late Neogene Japan(Honshu I.) Shimazaki,T. Palynostratigraphy of petroleum producing area of Honshu (facing Japan Sea). 1972
details Miocene Late Neogene Japan(Hokkaido I.) Takahashi,N. On the changes of the florae Flourished in the Neogene Tertiary in Tohoku (The northernpart) of Japa. 1971
details Middle Miocene Late Miocene Oregon Gray,J. Miocene pollen floras from Oregon. 1956
details Middle Miocene Late Miocene Japan(Ishikawa Pref.) Fuji,N. Fossil pollen grains and spores from the Neogene Tertiary Diatomaceous Mudstones in Noto Peninsula, Central Japan 1966
details Early Miocene Late Miocene Czechoslovakia Planderova,E. et al. Micropaleobotanical investigations of the Tertiary in the Bojnice-Novaky Region. 1970
details Middle Miocene Late Miocene China(Shantung) Liu,G. et al. Climatic comparison of Miocene pollen floras from northerneast China and southcentral Alaska, USA. 1994
details Middle Miocene Late Miocene Spain Rivas-Carballo,M.R. et al. Miocene palynology of the Central Sector of the Duero Basin (Spain) in relation to palaeogeography and palaeoenvironments 1994
details Middle Eocene Late Eocene USSR(Siberia) Fradkina,A.F. Paleogene and Lower Neogene of Kolymy and the palynological data. (In: Palynostratigraphy of the Mesozoic and Cainozoic of Siberia. V.S.Volkova and A.F.Khlonova, editors) 1985
details Middle Eocene Late Eocene Russia(Yakutia) Fradkina,A.F. et al. Region XXIV. The Russian North-East, (Yakuita and the Chukchi Peninsula). (In: Late Eocene - Early Oligocene Geological and Biotical Events on the Territory of the Former Soviet Union. Part 1: The Regional Geology of the Upper Eocene and Lower Oligocene. V.A.Krasheninnikov and M.A.Akhmetiev, editors) 1996
details Middle Eocene Late Eocene Kazakstan Borisov,V.A. et al. Region XX. The Zaisan Depression, (Eastern Kazakhstan). (In: Late Eocene - Early Oligocene Geological and Biotical Events on the Territory of the Former Soviet Union. Part 1: The Regional Geology of the Upper Eocene and Lower Oligocene. V.A.Krasheninnikov and M.A.Akhmetiev, editors) 1996
details Pleistocene Holocene Japan(Kyoto Pref.) Nasu,T. et al. Fossil Macrospores ; And Massulae of Salvinia Natans from the Pliocene and the Quaternary sediments in the Kinki and Takai Districts, Japan 1976
details Late Serravallian Early Tortonian Maryland Pazzaglia,F.J. et al. Palynology of the Bryn Mawr Formation, (Miocene), insights on the age and genesis of Middle Atlantic margin fluvial deposits. 1997
details Early Aquitanian Early Serravallian France Bessedik,M. The Early Aquitanian and Upper Langhian - Lower Serravallian environments in the Northwestern Mediterranean Region. (In: Comptes Rendus: Interim Colloq sur les Paleoenvironements Continentaux en Mediterranee au Neogene et l'Evolution Paleoclimatique) 1984
details Late Badenian Early Sarmatian Poland Dyjor,S. et al. Problem of the Badenian-Sarmatian boundry at Stara Kuznia Region near Kedzierzyn (Silesia) in light of palynological investigation 1984
details Middle Pliocene Early Quaternary China(Yunnan) Li,W.-Y. et al. A palynological investigation on the Late Tertiary and Early Quaternary and its significance in the paleogeographical study in Central Yunnan. 1978
details Late Pliocene Early Pretiglian Greece Sauvage,J. Palynologic study of Plio-Pleistocene Aegean the problem of its Limits and of stratigraphic correlations 1978
details Messinian Early Pliocene Greece Weerd,A.Van De Palynology of some Upper Miocene and Pliocene Formations in Greece 1983