Diconodinium multispinum

Citations total:
Author - title
details Nd Nd Wilson,G.J. et al. A concise catalogue of organic-walled fossil dinoflagellate genera. 1980
details Ngaterian Arowhanan New Zealand(N.I.) Moore,P.R. et al. Stratigraphy and structure of Cretaceous (Neocomian-Maastrichtian) sedimentary rocks in the Anini-Okaura Stream area, Urewera National Park, New Zealand. 1989
details Albian Australia(NSW) Morgan,R. Palynology. (In: Contributions to the Geology of the Great Australian Basin in New South Wales. J.M. Hawke and J.N. Cramsie, editors) 1984
details Eocene Antarctica Wrenn,J.H. et al. Paleogene dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy of Seymour Island, Antarctica. (In: Geology and Paleontology of Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula. R.M.Feldmann and M.O.Woodburne) 1988
details Late Albian New Guinea(Papua) Davey,R.J. Palynological zonation of the Lower Cretaceous, Upper and Uppermost Middle Jurassic in the northwestern Papuan Basin of Papua, New Guinea. 1988
details Nd Nd Stover,L.E. et al. Analyses of pre-Pleistocene organic-walled dinoflagellates. 1978