
Citations total:
Author - title
details Pliocene Early Pleistocene China(Shansi) Shi,N. et al. Late Cenozoic vegetational history and the Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary in the Yushe Basin, southeast Shanxi, China. 1993
details Pliocene Atlantic(Labrador Sea) Willard,D.A. Palynological record from the North Atlantic Region a 3 Ma: Vegetational distribution during a period of global warmth 1994
details Pliocene Iceland Willard,D.A. Palynological record from the North Atlantic Region a 3 Ma: Vegetational distribution during a period of global warmth 1994
details Middle Pliocene Atlantic(Norwegian Sea) Willard,D.A. Palynological record from the North Atlantic Region a 3 Ma: Vegetational distribution during a period of global warmth 1994
details Pliocene Virginia Willard,D.A. Palynological record from the North Atlantic Region a 3 Ma: Vegetational distribution during a period of global warmth 1994
details Reuverian France(Morbihan) Morzadec-Kerfourn,M.T. Organic microplankton, pollen and spores of the Pliocene Clays of Saint-Jean-la-Poterie (Morbihan). (In: Pliocene Clays and Sands of Saint-Jean-la-Poterie, Morbihan; Sedimentology, Micropaleontology (Foraminifera, Ostracods and palynology. J.Fourniguet et al) 1989
details Eocene Canada(NWT,Mackenzie) Nassichuk,W.W. et al. Cretaceous and Tertiary fossils discovered in Kimberlites at Lac de Gras in the Slave Province, Northwest Territories. 1995
details Middle Miocene Late Miocene Alaska Liu,G. et al. Climatic comparison of Miocene pollen floras from northerneast China and southcentral Alaska, USA. 1994
details Middle Miocene Late Miocene China(Shantung) Liu,G. et al. Climatic comparison of Miocene pollen floras from northerneast China and southcentral Alaska, USA. 1994
details Middle Miocene Late Miocene Spain Rivas-Carballo,M.R. et al. Miocene palynology of the Central Sector of the Duero Basin (Spain) in relation to palaeogeography and palaeoenvironments 1994
details Early Miocene Japan(Gifu Pref.) Saito,T. Pollen morphology and species-Level Idstinction of the genus Fagus from the Hachiya Formation (Lower Miocene), Mizunami Group, Japan 1992
details Late Pliocene USSR(Magadan Oblast) Laukhin,S.A. et al. Climatic fluctuation during Second Part of the Pliocene in eastern Chukchi 1988
details Miocene USSR(Russian Plain) Tarasevich,V.F. On the findings of pollen of Parrotia C.A.Mey., Diospytos L. and Staphylea L. in the Miocene deposits of Oka-Don Plain. 1980
details Middle Eocene Late Eocene Hungary Kedves,M. Plant microfossil remains from Southern Bakony 1992
details Aragonian Spain Valle Hernandez,M.F. et al. Preliminary palynological analysis of the Miocene in the northeast of the Duero Basin Barea of Belorado, Burgos, Spain 1995
details Miocene Idaho Smiley,C.J. et al. Preservation of Miocene fossils in Unoxidized Lake deposits, Clarkia, Idaho 1975
details Early Pliocene Japan(Aichi Pref.) Nasu,T. et al. Fossil Macrospores ; And Massulae of Salvinia Natans from the Pliocene and the Quaternary sediments in the Kinki and Takai Districts, Japan 1976