
Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Late Tertiary Alaska Benninghoff,W.S. et al. Preliminary report on the Upper Cenozoic Carbonaceous deposits in the Johnson River area, Alaska range . 1960
details Late Neogene Alaska Hopkins,D.M. et al. Upper Tertiary sediments in Alaska and North-Western Canada. 1960
details Late Cenomanian Tertiary Alaska Foster,H.L. et al. Fossil pollen from nonmarine sedimentary rocks of the eastern Yukon-Tanana Region, East-Central Alaska. (In: Geologic studies in Alaska by the U.S. Geological Survey,1989) 1990
details Late Eocene Alaska Biske,S.F. Correlation of Tertiary nonmarine deposits in Alaska and Northeastern Asia. 1973
details Early Miocene Middle Miocene Alaska Yeend,W.E. Tertiary and Quaternary deposits at the Palisades, Central Alaska. 1977
details Early Pliocene Middle Pliocene Alaska Ager,T.A. et al. Pliocene terrace gravels of the ancestral Yukon River near Circle Alaska; Palynology, paleobotany, paleoenvironmental reconstruction and region correlation. (In: Tertiary Quaternary Boundaries. T.A. Ager et al, editors) 1994
details Middle Miocene Late Miocene Alaska Liu,G. et al. Climatic comparison of Miocene pollen floras from northerneast China and southcentral Alaska, USA. 1994
details Eocene Alaska Manum,S.B. Studies in the Tertiary flora of Spitsbergen, with notes on Tertiary floras of Ellesmere Island, Greenland and Iceland 1962
details Tertiary Alaska Lamberson,M.N. Palynological analysis of three Tertiary Alaskan Subbutuminous Coal Seams. 1984
details Middle Miocene Pleistocene Alaska White,J.M. et al. An 18 million year record of vegetation and climate change in northwestern Canada and Alaska: Tectonic and global climatic correlates. 1997
details Middle Pliocene Alaska Thompson,R.S. et al. Middle Pliocene vegetation: reconstructions, paleoclimatic Inferences, and boundary conditions for climate modeling 1996
details Paleocene Eocene Alaska(Cook Inlet) Turner,R.F. Paleontology and biostratigraphy of the Cost No.1 Well. (In: Geologic Studies of the Lower Cook Inlet Cost No.1 Well, Alaska Outer Continental Shelf. L.B. Magoon, editor) 1986
details Miocene Alaska(Cook Inlet) Fradkina,A.F. et al. Late Oligocene and Miocene flora of the Aldan Basin and its comparison with floras of North-East USSR and Alaska. (In: Cenozoic Flora of Siberia According to Palynological Data. V.N.Sacks and V.S.Volkova, editors) 1971
details Late Oligocene Late Neogene Alaska(Cook Inlet) Wolfe,J.A. et al. Tertiary stratigraphy and paleobotany of the Cook Inlet Region, Alaska. 1966
details Eocene Alaska(Gulf) Kulkova,I.A. Eocene flora of Iana-Indigirska Lowland and its comparison with Synchronous floras of other Territories of the northern Hemisphere. (In: Cenozoic Flora of Siberia According to Palynological Data. V.N.Sacks and V.S.Volkova, editors) 1971
details Early Oligocene Alaska(Peninsula) Wolfe,J.A. Reconnaissance spore and pollen examination, Early Tertiary Turbidite Beds, Aleutian Abyssal Plain, Site 183. 1973
details Middle Eocene Late Eocene Alaska(Peninsula) Wolfe,J.A. Reconnaissance spore and pollen examination, Early Tertiary Turbidite Beds, Aleutian Abyssal Plain, Site 183. 1973