
Citations total:
Author - title
details Chattian USSR(Tomskaya Oblast) Aleksandrova,L.V. Stratigraphy of Eocene to Lower Miocene deposits of Western Tomskaya Oblast, based on palynology. (In: Stratigraphy and Palynology of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic of Siberia. V.S.Volkova, editor) 1979
details Chattian Miocene Germany Pflug,H.D. Palynology in the Chattian/Miocene of Northwest Germany and vicinity. (In: Northwest Germany during the Tertiary. H.Tobien, editor) 1986
details Chattian Aquitanian France(Lozere) Sittler,C. et al. Palynological comparison of the Oligo-Miocene deposits of Limagnes (Massif Central) and the Manosque (Alpes De Provenc). 1974
details Chattian Aquitanian France(Var) Sittler,C. et al. Palynological comparison of the Oligo-Miocene deposits of Limagnes (Massif Central) and the Manosque (Alpes De Provenc). 1974
details Chattian Sarmatian Europe Pflug,H.D. Spore-stratigraphic correlation of the Vogelsberg-Area with the neighbouring Tertiary Basin. (The North-West Geran Tertiary Basin, Contribution No. 13) 1975
details Cenozoic Atlantic(Bay of Biscay) Groot,J.J. Palynological investigation of a core from the Biscay Abyssal Plain. 1963
details Cenozoic Japan(Osaka Pref.) Tai,A. Pollen analysis of the Osaka Group in the Hirakata Hill, with special reference to the relation between climatic changes and marine and terrestrial deposits. 1964
details Cenomanian USSR(Siberia) Potapov,S.L. Stratigraphy and conditions of Formation of Cretaceous deposits of the Siberian Platform. (In: Material on Lithology, Stratigraphy and Paleogeography.) 1970
details Cenomanian USSR(WSL) Markova,L.G. Spore and pollen assemblages of Mesozoic deposits of the West Siberian Lowland 1962
details Cenomanian Turonian USSR(Siberia) Chlonova,A.F. Palynological characteristics of Cretaceous Layers in Siberia and the Far East. 1971
details Cenomanian USSR(Primorsk Kray) Chlonova,A.F. Palynological characteristics of Cretaceous Layers in Siberia and the Far East. 1971
details Campanian Pleistocene New York Sirkin,L.A. Palynology and stratigraphy of Cretaceous and Pleistocene sediments on Long Island, New York. A basis for correlation with New Jersey Coastal Plain sediments. 1986
details Burdigalian Israel Goldsmith,N.F. et al. Rotem Mammals and Veroham Crassostreids: stratigraphy of the Hazeva Formation (Israel) and the paleogeography of Miocene Africa 1988
details Brunssumian Reuverian Germany Meyer,K.J. Results of pollen stratigraphical investigations in the Continental Pliocene of Northwest Germany. (In: Northwest Germany during the Tertiary. H.Tobien, editor) 1986
details Brunssumian Early Pleistocene W.Germany(Hesse) Brelie,G.Von Der Microflora. (In: The Late Tertiary and Quaternary in the Horloff-Graben/Vogelsberg. W.Boenigk et al, authors) 1977
details Brunssumian North Sea Meyer,K.J. Palynological investigations in Late Tertiary sediments of the North Sea Basin 1976
details Badenian Romania Suraru,N. et al. General approach to the biostratigraphy of the Badenian deposits, lying northeast of Cluj-Napoca. 1991