
Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Oligocene India(Kutch) Kar,R.K. Palynological fossils from the Oligocene sediments and their biostratigraphy in the District of Kutch, Western India. 1979
details Early Miocene Middle Miocene Mexico(Chiapas) Palacios Chavez,R. Lower and Middle Miocene Bryophyte and Pteridophyte spores from northern Chiapas. 1980
details Jurassic India(Bihar) Sharma,B.D. et al. Schizaeaceous spores in situ, from the Jurassic rocks of Rajmaha Hills, India (P.K.K.Nair-Editor) 1980
details Mesozoic USSR(Estonian SSR) Liivrand,E. Re-bedded Pre-Quaternary microfossils in glacial and aqueoglacial deposits. 1982
details Langhian Tortonian Tunisia M©on,H. et al. Palynological studies in the Miocene of Cap Bon, (Tunisia), an attempt at the establishment of ecozones and paleogeographic reconstruction 1986
details Late Rupelian Aquitanian India(Himachal Pradesh) Pandey,J. Some recent paleontological studies and their implications on the Cenozoic stratigraphy of Indian Subcontinent 1986
details Eocene Hungary Kedves,M. Changes in the spore-pollen associations of the Eocene and its palynological treatment 1988
details Early Berriasian Europe Voronova,M.A. Floristic and paleoclimatic changes in the Southern Part of the East European Platform in Early Cretaceous times. (In: Global Biological Events in Earth History. E.Knobloch and Z.Kvacek, editors) 1990
details Middle Bartonian Spain Gruas-Cavagnetto,C. et al. A mangrove complex of the Bartonian of the Ebro Basin (NE.Spain). 1995
details Nd Nd Balme,B.E. Fossil in situ, spores and pollen grains: An annotated catalogue. 1995
details Nd Nd Playford,G. et al. Spores. (Principles and Applications. Applications. J.Jansonius and D.C.McGregor, editors.) 1996