Bidens sp

Citations total:
Author - title
details Miocene Pleistocene China(Kiangsu) Zheng,Y.-H. et al. Neogene sporo-pollen grains from northern Jiangsu and South Yellow Sea Basin. 1981
details Early Pliocene Middle Pliocene China(Tibet) Cao,L. Pliocene palynological flora in Disong of Burang, Xizang, (Tibet). 1982
details Late Pliocene China(Kwangsi) Zheng,Y.-H. et al. Sporo-pollen assemblage from the Yuhuatai Formation of Nanjing and its geological Age 1985
details Late Pannonian Hungary Nagy,E. Pollen research of the Upper Pannonian Brown Coal Layers of the Matra Mountains. 1957
details Late Pannonian Hungary Nagy,E. Pollen-analytical investigation of a Hungarian Pliocene Brown Coal. 1959
details Late Pannonian Hungary Nagy,E. Palynological investigations of the Upper Pannonian Brown Coal in the Foot Hills of the Matra Mountains. 1958