Cassiculosphaeridia magna

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Early Cretaceous Peralta,P.I. et al. Early Cretaceous sea level variations and changes in dinocyst assemblages and organic matter components in the Neuqu©n Basin, western Argentina. 2000
details Early Santonian Netherlands Herngreen,G.F.W. et al. Upper Cretaceous Chalk Group stratigraphy near the Isle of Texel, The Netherlands (a multidisciplinary approach). 1996
details Late Barremian North Sea Duxbury,S. A palynological zonation scheme for the Lower Cretaceous: United Kingdom Sector, Central North Sea. 2001
details India(Andhra Pradesh) Mehrotra,N.C. et al. Krishna-Godavari Basin. (In: Palynology in Hydrocarbon Exploration:The Indian Scenario. Part 1: Category I : Basins) 2002
details Early Haumurian New Zealand(S.I.) Roncaglia,L. et al. Dinoflagellate biostratigraphy of Piripauan - Haumurian (Upper Cretaceous) sections from northeast South Island, New Zealand. 1999
details Barremian Australia(W.Australia) Backhouse,J. Appendix 2: Palynology. (In:GSWA Edaggee 1 Well completion report, (interpretive) Gascoyne Platform, Southern Carnarvon Basin Western Australia. M. Dixon et al) 2003
details Late Berriasian Aptian Australia Helby,R.J. et al. A palynological zonation of the Australian Mesozoic. (In: Studies in Australian Mesozoic Palynology. P.A.Jell, editor.) 1987
details Hauterivian Aptian Celtic Sea Ainsworth,N.R. et al. Lower Cretaceous micropalaeontology of the Fastnet Basin, offshore South-West Ireland 1985
details Barremian Aptian Australia(W.Australia) Stover,L.E. et al. Some Early Cretaceous dinoflagellates from the Houtman-1 Well, Western Australia. (In: Studies in Australian Mesozoic Palynology. P.A.Jell, editor.) 1987
details Valanginian Aptian Australia(Victoria) Backhouse,J. Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous palynology of the Perth Basin, Western Australia 1988
details Middle Volgian Aptian North Sea Heilmann-Clausen,C. Lower Cretaceous dinoflagellate biostratigraphy in the Danish Central Trough 1987
details Berriasian Aptian Australia Burger,D. Australian Phanerozoic Timescales 8. Jurassic biostratigraphic charts and explanatory notes. 1990
details Hauterivian Aptian India(Andhra Pradesh) Prasad,B. et al. A standard palynozonation scheme for the Cretaceous and Pre-Cretaceous subsurface sediments of Krishna-Godavari Basin, India. 1995
details Late Hauterivian Barremian Europe Davey,R.J. The stratigraphic distribution of dinocysts in the Portlandian (Latest Jurassic) to Barremian (Early Cretaceous), of northeast Europe. 1979
details Volgian Barremian England(Yorkshire) Duxbury,S. Early Cretaceous dinoflagellate cysts. (In: Distribution of Biostratigraphically diagnostic dinoflagellate cysts and miospores from the Northwest European continental shelf and adjacent areas. B.Thusu, editor) 1978
details Late Berriasian Barremian Australia(Queensland) Helby,R.J. et al. A palynological zonation of the Australian Mesozoic. (In: Studies in Australian Mesozoic Palynology. P.A.Jell, editor.) 1987
details Volgian Barremian North Sea Davey,R.J. et al. Stratigraphic range charts, diagnostic dinocysts, Cretaceous. 1977