details |
Valanginian |
Hauterivian |
India(Andhra Pradesh) |
Kumar,A. A sequence of dinocysts from the subsurface sediments (Valanginian-Hauterivian) of the Krishna-Godavari Basin, India |
1986 |
details |
Late Volgian |
Berriasian |
Russia(Khanty-Mansi) |
Lebedeva,N.K. et al. Microphytoplankton and Microforaminifera in the Lower Cretaceous reference section in Subarctic Ural (Western Siberia) |
1998 |
details |
Late Volgian |
Early Hauterivian |
Russia(Siberia) |
Lebedeva,N.K. et al. Dinoflagellate cysts and microforaminifera of the Lower Cretaceous Yatria River section, Subarctic Ural, northwest Siberia (Russia). Biostratigraphy, palaeoenvironmental and palaeogeographic discussion. |
1999 |
details |
Hauterivian |
Early Barremian |
Spain |
Leereveld,H. et al. Stratigraphic evaluation of spore-pollen assemblages from the Lower Creatceous of the Alpine Mediterranean Realm |
1989 |
details |
Late Barremian |
Early Aptian |
W.Germany(Niedersachsen) |
Lister,J.K. et al. Palynostratigraphy of the Barremian-Aptian succession in the Wiechendorf 1/86 and Hoheneggelsen Kb9 boreholes in the Lower Saxony Basin, North Germany. (In: The Barremian-Aptian Boundary. A Study of profiles from the boreal Cretaceous.E.Kemper, editor) |
1995 |
details |
Late Valanginian |
Hauterivian |
France(Ardeche) |
Londeix,L. Dinoflagellate cyst distribution in hemipelagic, (Ardeche, France), and pelagic, (Arc de Castellane, southeast France), sediments from the Vocontian area, of Upper Valanginian to Lower Barremian. Biostratigraphy and relations with sequence stratigraphy. |
1990 |
details |
Hauterivian |
Early Barremian |
France(Alpes,Hautes) |
Londeix,L. Dinoflagellate cyst distribution in hemipelagic, (Ardeche, France), and pelagic, (Arc de Castellane, southeast France), sediments from the Vocontian area, of Upper Valanginian to Lower Barremian. Biostratigraphy and relations with sequence stratigraphy. |
1990 |
details |
Oxfordian |
Greenland |
Lund,J.J. et al. Palynology of the marine Jurassic Formations in the Vardekloft Ravine, Jameson Land, East Greenland. |
1985 |
details |
India(Andhra Pradesh) |
Mehrotra,N.C. et al. Krishna-Godavari Basin. (In: Palynology in Hydrocarbon Exploration:The Indian Scenario. Part 1: Category I : Basins) |
2002 |
details |
Late Valanginian |
France(Ardeche) |
Monteil,E. Dinoflagellate cyst key species (Tithonian-Valanginian) of Southern France. Proposition of a new palynological zonation. |
1992 |
details |
Late Valanginian |
France(Alpes,Hautes) |
Monteil,E. Dinoflagellate cyst key species (Tithonian-Valanginian) of Southern France. Proposition of a new palynological zonation. |
1992 |
details |
Aptian |
Cenomanian |
Australia(NSW) |
Morgan,R. Palynostratigraphy of the Australian early and middle Cretaceous. |
1980 |
details |
Early Eocene |
Middle Eocene |
North Sea |
Mudge,D.C. et al. An integrated stratigraphy for the Paleocene and Eocene of the North Sea. (In: Correlation of the Early Paleogene in Northwest Europe. R.W.O Knox et al, editors) |
1996 |
details |
Early Barremian |
W.Germany(Bremen) |
Mutterlose,J. et al. Phytoplankton from the anoxic sediments of the Barremian, (Lower Cretaceous) of north West Germany. |
1987 |
details |
Early Barremian |
W.Germany(Niedersachsen) |
Mutterlose,J. et al. The Barremian Blatterton; an anoxic Warm Water sediment of the Lower Saxony Basin |
1987 |
details |
Late Barremian |
Greenland |
Nиhr-Hansen,H. Dinoflagellate cyst stratigraphy of the Barremian to Albian, Lower Cretaceous, Northeast Greenland. |
1993 |
details |
Early Cretaceous |
Peralta,P.I. et al. Early Cretaceous sea level variations and changes in dinocyst assemblages and organic matter components in the Neuqu©n Basin, western Argentina. |
2000 |