Cassiculosphaeridia magna

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Hauterivian Australia(Offshore) Burger,D. Results of a preliminary palynological examination of Mesozoic grab samples from the Northwest Shelf. 1991
details Berriasian Valanginian Australia(Offshore) Burger,D. Results of a preliminary palynological examination of Mesozoic grab samples from the Northwest Shelf. 1991
details Berriasian Aptian Australia Burger,D. Australian Phanerozoic Timescales 8. Jurassic biostratigraphic charts and explanatory notes. 1990
details Late Jurassic Barremian England(Yorkshire) Costa,L.I. et al. Dinoflagellate cysts of the Cretaceous System. (In: A Stratigraphic Index of Dinoflagellate Cysts. A.J.Powell, editor) 1992
details Ryazanian United Kingdom Costa,L.I. et al. Dinoflagellate cysts of the Cretaceous System. (In: A Stratigraphic Index of Dinoflagellate Cysts. A.J.Powell, editor) 1992
details Kimmeridgian North Sea Cox,B.M. et al. Upper Jurassic stratigraphy of four shallow cored boreholes in the United Kingdom Sector of the Southern North Sea. 1987
details Late Valanginian North Sea Crittenden,S. et al. The Early - Middle Cretaceous lithostratigraphy of the Central North Sea, (United Kingdom Sector). 1991
details Late Hauterivian Middle Barremian North Sea Crittenden,S. et al. The Early - Middle Cretaceous lithostratigraphy of the Central North Sea, (United Kingdom Sector). 1991
details Late Hauterivian Barremian Europe Davey,R.J. The stratigraphic distribution of dinocysts in the Portlandian (Latest Jurassic) to Barremian (Early Cretaceous), of northeast Europe. 1979
details Early Barremian North Sea Davey,R.J. Two new Early Cretaceous dinocyst species from the northern North Sea. 1979
details Volgian Cretaceous Europe Davey,R.J. et al. Late and Middle Jurassic dinoflagellate cysts. (In: Distribution of Biostratigraphically diagnostic dinoflagellate cysts and miospores from the Northwest European continental shelf and adjacent areas. B.Thusu, editor) 1978
details Volgian Cretaceous Atlantic Ocean Davey,R.J. et al. Late and Middle Jurassic dinoflagellate cysts. (In: Distribution of Biostratigraphically diagnostic dinoflagellate cysts and miospores from the Northwest European continental shelf and adjacent areas. B.Thusu, editor) 1978
details Early Portlandian Hauterivian Denmark Davey,R.J. Dinocysts stratigraphy of the latest Jurassic to Early Cretaceous of the Haldager No.1 borehole, Denmark. 1982
details Volgian Barremian North Sea Davey,R.J. et al. Stratigraphic range charts, diagnostic dinocysts, Cretaceous. 1977
details Kimmeridgian Early Valanginian New Guinea(Papua) Davey,R.J. Palynological zonation of the Lower Cretaceous, Upper and Uppermost Middle Jurassic in the northwestern Papuan Basin of Papua, New Guinea. 1988
details Kimmeridgian Early Valanginian New Guinea(Papua) Davey,R.J. Palynological zonation of the Lower Cretaceous, Upper and Uppermost Middle Jurassic in the northwestern Papuan Basin of Papua, New Guinea. 1988
original Barremian England(Yorkshire) Davey,R.J. Dinoflagellate cysts from the Barremian of the Speeton Clay, England. (In: Symposium on Stratigraphic Palynology) 1974