Sestrosporites pseudoalveolatus

Citations total:
Author - title
details Aptian Romania Baltes,N. Palynological contributions to the knowledge of the stratigraphy of Lower Cretaceous deposits in Dobrogea 1974
details Early Bajocian Australia(Queensland) McKellar,J.L. Jurassic miospores from the Upper Evergreen Formation, Hutton Sandstone and Basal Injune Creek Group, north-eastern Surat Basin. 1974
details Aalenian Bathonian Netherlands Herngreen,G.F.W. et al. Palynology of Rhaetian, Liassic and Dogger strata in the eastern Netherlands. 1974
details Middle Jurassic Romania Antonescu,E. A new genus of dinoflagellate in the Middle Jurassic of Roumania. 1974
details Albian Romania Givulescu,R. Fossil flora of Roumania. Second Supplement, Second Part. 1974
details Early Neocomian Aptian Australia(Queensland) Burger,D. Palynology of subsurface Lower Cretaceous strata in the Surat Basin, Queensland. 1974
details Early Cretaceous India Singh,H.P. Mesozoic Cryptogamic spores. (In: Aspects and Appraisal of Indian Palaeobotany. K.R.Surange, editor) 1974
details Early Liassic Bajocian France(Yonne) Chўteauneuf,J.-J. et al. First results of a study of the Jurassic Coals of the Briancon zone. 1973
details Late Albian Early Cenomanian Canada(Arctic) Hopkins,W.S. et al. Description, palynology and paleoecology of the Hassel Formation, (Cretaceous) on eastern Ellef Ringnes Island, District of Franklin. 1973
details Pliensbachian Romania Antonescu,E. Some data on the palynology of Liassic layers in the Gresten facies of Rumania. (In: Mikrofossilii Drevneishikh Otlozhenii. T.F.Vozzhennikova and T.B.Timofeev, editors) 1973
details Toarcian Aalenian Romania Antonescu,E. Some data on the palynology of Liassic layers in the Gresten facies of Rumania. (In: Mikrofossilii Drevneishikh Otlozhenii. T.F.Vozzhennikova and T.B.Timofeev, editors) 1973
details Barremian Early Aptian Australia(Queensland) Burger,D. Spore zonation and sedimentary history of the Neocomian, Great Artesian Basin, Queensland. (In: Mesozoic and Cainozoic palynology;Essays in honour of Isabel Cookson. J.E.Glover et al, editor) 1973
details Early Aptian Middle Albian Romania Antonescu,E. Characteristic palynologic assemblages of some Cretaceous formations in the Metalici Mountains. 1973
details Early Aptian Romania Antonescu,E. Characteristic palynologic assemblages of some Cretaceous Formations in the Metaliferi Mountains. 1973
details Aptian Early Cenomanian Austria Corna,O. Palynological study and nannofossils. (In: Study of the Lower Cretaceous of the Vienna Woods. Grun et al) 1972
details Aptian Albian Australia(Queensland) Burger,D. Appendix 1: Palynological observations from the Surat 1 -250,000 Sheet Area, with reference to GSQ Surat 1,2 and 3 Bores. (In: Stratigraphic Drilling in the Surat and Bowen Basins,1967-70 by A.R.G.Gray) 1972
details Portlandian Neocomian India(Gujarat) Venkatachala,B.S. et al. Palynology of Mesozoic sediments of Kutch, West India. 8. A check-list of palynological fossils from Chawad River area and remarks on Asterisporites, gen.nov. 1972