Sestrosporites pseudoalveolatus

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Late Turonian Early Campanian Canada(Arctic) Nкбez-Betelu,L.K. et al. Preliminary Paleopalynology of the Kanguk Formation, (Upper Cretaceous), Remus Creek, Ellesmere Island, Canadian Arctic Archipelago; 2. Terrestrial palynomorphs. 1992
details Early Campanian Canada(Arctic) Nкбez-Betelu,L.K. et al. Uppermost Albian-Campanian palynological biostratigraphy of Axel Heiberg and Ellesmere Islands (Canadian Arctic). 1992
details Middle Albian Early Cenomanian Colorado Pannella,G. Palynology of the Dakota Group and Graneros Shale of the Denver Basin. 1966
details Middle Albian Early Cenomanian Nebraska Pannella,G. Palynology of the Dakota Group and Graneros Shale of the Denver Basin. 1966
details Early Campanian Montana Payenberg,T.H.D. et al. Litho- and chronostratigraphic relationships of the Santonian - Campanian Milk River Formation in southern Alberta and Eagle Formation in Montana utilising stratigraphy, U-Pb geochronology, and palynology. 2002
details Santonian Early Campanian Canada(Alberta) Payenberg,T.H.D. et al. Litho- and chronostratigraphic relationships of the Santonian - Campanian Milk River Formation in southern Alberta and Eagle Formation in Montana utilising stratigraphy, U-Pb geochronology, and palynology. 2002
details Middle Albian Late Albian Canada(Saskatchewan) Playford,G. Palynology of the Basal Cretaceous (Swan River) strata of Saskatchewan and Manitoba 1971
details Middle Albian Late Albian Canada(Manitoba) Playford,G. Palynology of the Basal Cretaceous (Swan River) strata of Saskatchewan and Manitoba 1971
details Late Albian Cenomanian Australia(Queensland) Playford,G. et al. A Middle Cretaceous microfossil assemblage from the Great Artesian Basin, Northwestern Queensland. 1975
details Berriasian Australia Playford,G. et al. Spores. (Principles and Applications. Applications. J.Jansonius and D.C.McGregor, editors.) 1996
details Middle Oxfordian Scotland(Moray) Porter,R. Palynological evidence for Jurassic microplankton Provinces in Great Britain 1988
details Middle Jurassic Early Cretaceous Australia Price,P.L. et al. Application of morphological lineages in Australian palynostratigraphy. 1990
details Barremian Aptian Argentina(Santa Cruz) Quattrocchio,M.E. et al. Danian microfloral provinces in Argentina. 2000
details Neocomian Aptian India(Andhra Pradesh) Rajeshwar-Rao,P.V. et al. Palynology of the Gangapur Beds, Pranhita-Godavari Basin, Andhra Pradesh. 1983
details Neocomian Aptian India(Andhra Pradesh) Rao,P.V.R. et al. Palynology of the Gangapur Beds, Pranhita-Godavari Basin, Andhra Pradesh. 1983
details Late Albian Wyoming Ravn,R.L. Miospores from the Muddy Sandstone, (Upper Albian), Wind River Basin, Wyoming, USA. 1995
details Early Cenomanian Middle Cenomanian Iowa Ravn,R.L. et al. The palynostratigraphy of the Dakota Formation, (?Late Albian-Cenomanian) in its type area, northwestern Iowa and northeastern Nebraska, USA. 1995