
Citations total:
Author - title
details Paleogene Neogene Poland Grabowska,I. Flora of the Palaeogene and the Neogene. (In: Catalogue of Fossil. Part 3A. Cainozoic, Tertiary. J.Czerminski, editor) 1977
details Paleogene Neogene Poland Grabowska,I. Flora of the Palaeogene and the Neogene. (In: Catalogue of Fossil. Part 3A. Cainozoic, Tertiary. J.Czerminski, editor) 1977
details Late Neogene Mediterranean Sea Bertolani-Marchetti,D. et al. Palynological studies on samples from DSDP Leg 42A. 1978
details Early Villafranchian Italy Bertolani-Marchetti,D. Appendix 1; Palynological research. (In: Geomorphic and Neotectonic studies. Part 1: The Continental Deposits of Upper Garfagnana in Relation to Pliocene-Pleistocene Tectonics. C.Bartolini and V.Bortolotti, authors) 1971
details Late Pliocene Italy Bertolani-Marchetti,D. Palynologic research.Appendix 1. 1971
details Early Eocene Hungary Kedves,M. Contribution to the Lower Eocene flora of Hungary on the basis of palynologic examinations of Coal deposits from Pit 3 of Orozlany and from Pit 1 5/B of Tatabanya. 1963
details Chattian Aquitanian France(Var) Sittler,C. et al. Palynological comparison of the Oligo-Miocene deposits of Limagnes (Massif Central) and the Manosque (Alpes De Provenc). 1974
details Chattian Aquitanian France(Lozere) Sittler,C. et al. Palynological comparison of the Oligo-Miocene deposits of Limagnes (Massif Central) and the Manosque (Alpes De Provenc). 1974
details Eocene Oligocene Czechoslovakia KonzalovŠŽ,M. Boehlensipollis and other microfossils from the Bohemian Tertiary (Volcanic Layers) 1981
details Cenomanian Czechoslovakia PacltovŠŽ,B. et al. Some conclusions of the palynological research in the Upper Cretaceous of the Bohemian Massif. 1970
details Middle Eocene Late Miocene Australia(Victoria) Kershaw,A.P. et al. The nature and evolution of Lithotypes in the Tertiary Brown Coals of the Latrobe Valley, southeastern Australia. 1991
details Miocene Australia(Victoria) Sluiter,I.R.K. et al. Biogeographic, ecological and stratigraphic relationships of the Miocene Brown Coal floras, Latrobe Valley, Victoria, Australia 1995
details Quaternary Australia(S.Australia) Truswell,E.M. et al. The Cainozoic palaeobotanical record in arid Australia:Fossil evidence for the origins of an Arid-Adapted flora. 1982
details Middle Eocene Australia(N.Territory) Truswell,E.M. et al. The Cainozoic palaeobotanical record in arid Australia:Fossil evidence for the origins of an Arid-Adapted flora. 1982
details Late Tertiary Villafranchian Algeria Beucher,F. Palynological study of the Neogene and Quaternary formations of the northwestern Sahara. 1975