Membranilarnax pterospermoides

Citations total:
Author - title
details Senonian France(Seine-Maritim) Deflandre-Rigaud,M. Microfossils of the Senonian Chert of Treport (Seine-Maritime). 1955
details Senonian France(Paris Basin) Deflandre-Rigaud,M. Microfossils in Senonian flint from the Paris Basin. 1954
details Senonian France(Paris Basin) Deflandre,G. Biological considerations of the microorganisms of planktonic origin preserved in Flint from Chalk. 1935
details Turonian Senonian France(Normandie) Deflandre,G. et al. Preliminary note on the microfossils from the Cretaceous flint of Cambresis. 1939
details Late Lutetian Priabonian France(Alpes,Hautes) Bodelle,J. et al. The Paleogene of Les Scaffarels (France--Basses Alpes). Simultaneous utilization of several methods of stratigraphic and geochemical study. 1971
original Late Senonian Danian Denmark Wetzel,O. Microfossils preserved in organic substances of the Baltic Cretaceous Flint. (Part 2.) 1933
details Ypresian Belgium Pastiels,A. Contribution to the study of microfossils of the Belgian Eocene. 1948
details Ypresian Belgium De Coninck,J. Planktonic microfossils from Ypresian Sand at Merelbeke. Dinophyceae and acritarcha. 1965
details Early Landenian Belgium Schumacker-Lambry,J. Palynology of Lower Landenian (Paleocene) at Gelinden-Overbroek, Belgium. Relationship between the microfossils and the sediment. 1978
details Late Cretaceous Baltic Sarjeant,W.A.S. A restudy of some dinoflagellate cyst holotypes in the University of Kiel collections: VI. Late Cretaceous dinoflagellate cysts and other palynomorphs in the Otto Wetzel collection. 1985
details Late Cretaceous Baltic Sarjeant,W.A.S. A restudy of some dinoflagellate cyst holotypes in the University of Kiel collections: VI. Late Cretaceous dinoflagellate cysts and other palynomorphs in the Otto Wetzel collection. 1985
details Late Cretaceous Baltic Downie,C. et al. Bibliography and index of fossil dinoflagellates and acritarchs. 1965
details Cretaceous Baltic Norris,G. et al. A descriptive index of genera of fossil Dinophyceae and acritarcha. 1965
details Late Cretaceous Baltic Fensome,R.A. et al. The Eisenack Catalog of Fossil Dinoflagellates. New Series. Volume 3. 1995
details Albian Cenomanian Australia(W.Australia) Cookson,I.C. et al. Microfossils of Australian Mezosoic and Tertiary sediments. Second part. 1982
details Coniacian Alabama Leopold,E.B. et al. Studies of Pre-Selma Cretaceous core samples from the outcrop area in Western Alabama. E: A preliminary report on the pollen and spores of The Pre-Selma Upper Cretaceous strata of Western Alabama. 1964