details |
Maastrichtian |
Canada(NWT,Mackenzie) |
Wilson,M.A. Palynology of three sections across the Uppermost Cretaceous/Paleocene boundary in the Yukon Territory and District of MacKenzie, Canada. |
1978 |
details |
Maastrichtian |
Canada(NWT,Mackenzie) |
Wilson,M.A. Palynology of three sections across the Uppermost Cretaceous/Paleocene boundary in the Yukon Territory and District of MacKenzie, Canada. |
1978 |
details |
Campanian |
Canada(NWT,Mackenzie) |
Brideaux,W.W. Palynologic evidence for a very Late Cretaceous age of Little bear and East Fork Formation, District of MacKenzie |
1971 |
details |
Campanian |
Early Paleocene |
Canada(NWT,Mackenzie) |
Yorath,C.J. et al. Cretaceous and Tertiary stratigraphy and paleogeography northern Interior Plains, District of MacKenzie. |
1981 |
details |
Late Campanian |
Canada(NWT,Mackenzie) |
Yorath,C.J. et al. Cretaceous and Tertiary stratigraphy and paleogeography northern Interior Plains, District of MacKenzie. |
1981 |
details |
Late Campanian |
Canada(NWT,Mackenzie) |
Sweet,A.R. et al. An integrated analysis of the Brackett Coal Basin, Northwest Territories. (In: Current Research, Part G: Frontier Geoscience Program, Arctic Canada) |
1989 |
details |
Late Campanian |
Canada(NWT,Mackenzie) |
Sweet,A.R. et al. An integrated analysis of the Brackett Coal Basin, Northwest Territories. (In: Current Research, Part G: Frontier Geoscience Program, Arctic Canada) |
1989 |
details |
Late Campanian |
Canada(NWT,Mackenzie) |
Sweet,A.R. et al. An integrated analysis of the Brackett Coal Basin, Northwest Territories. (In: Current Research, Part G: Frontier Geoscience Program, Arctic Canada) |
1989 |
details |
Late Campanian |
Maastrichtian |
Canada(NWT,Mackenzie) |
Brideaux,W.W. et al. Biostratigraphic determinations from the subsurface of the District of Franklin and MacKenzie and the Yukon Teritory |
1976 |
details |
Late Campanian |
Canada(NWT,Mackenzie) |
Sweet,A.R. et al. Paleontology and diamonds: Geological environments associated with kimberlite emplacement, Lac de Gras, Northwest Territories, canada. |
2003 |
details |
Maastrichtian |
Canada(British Columbia) |
Takahashi,K. Pollen and spore floras of the Upper Cretaceous and the Lower Paleocene in the Aquilapollenites Province and their Stratigaphic investigation |
1967 |
details |
Maastrichtian |
Canada(Arctic) |
Kerr,J.W. Geology of Bathurst Island Group and Byam Martin Island, Arctic Canada. |
1974 |
details |
Late Cretaceous |
Canada(Arctic) |
Doerenkamp,A. et al. Cretaceous and Tertiary palynomorph assemblages from Banks Island and adjacent areas (NWT). |
1976 |
details |
Middle Campanian |
Late Campanian |
Canada(Arctic) |
McIntyre,D.J. Appendix 1: Palynology. (In: Basin analysis, Eureka Sound Group, Axel Heiberg and Ellesmere Islands, Canadian Arctic Archipelago. B.D. Ricketts) |
1994 |
details |
Late Campanian |
Canada(Arctic) |
McIntyre,D.J. Appendix 1: Palynology. (In: Basin analysis, Eureka Sound Group, Axel Heiberg and Ellesmere Islands, Canadian Arctic Archipelago. B.D. Ricketts) |
1994 |
details |
Maastrichtian |
Canada(Alberta) |
Srivastava,S.K. Cretaceous spore-pollen floras |
1978 |
details |
Campanian |
Canada(Alberta) |
Jarzen,D.M. Palynology of Dinosaur Provincial Park, (Campanian), Alberta. |
1982 |