details |
Rhaetian |
Australia(Queensland) |
de Jersey,N.J. Early Jurassic miospores from the Helidon Sandstone. |
1971 |
details |
Santonian |
Japan(Iwate Pref.) |
Takahashi,K. et al. Palynomorphs from the Santonian Uge Member of the Taneichi Formation, Northeast Japan. |
1990 |
details |
Santonian |
Early Campanian |
Antarctica |
Keating,J.M. Palynology of the Lachman Crags Member, Santa Marta Formation (Upper Cretaceous) of northwest James Ross Island. |
1992 |
details |
Santonian |
Late Eocene |
Australia(S.Australia) |
Stoian,L.M. Late Cretaceous - Late Eocene palynofloras from drillhole Troas 1, offshore Otway Basin, South Australia. |
2002 |
details |
Senonian |
New Zealand |
Penny,J.S. Late Cretaceous and Early Tertiary palynology. (In: Aspects of Palynology. R.H. Tschudy and R.A. Scott, editors) |
1969 |
details |
Sinemurian |
Late Toarcian |
Volkheimer,W. Liassic microfloras of the Neuqu©n Basin, (Argentina): Relations with other Gondwanic Areas. |
1980 |
details |
Sinemurian |
Late Toarcian |
Argentina(San Juan) |
Volkheimer,W. Liassic microfloras of the Neuqu©n Basin, (Argentina): Relations with other Gondwanic Areas. |
1980 |
details |
Sinemurian |
Tithonian |
Volkheimer,W. et al. Stratigraphic distribution of Jurassic and Cretaceous palynomorphs in the Andean Realm and neighbouring areas of Southern South America, with special consideration of the Neuqu©n Basin. |
1981 |
details |
Sinemurian |
Canada(NWT,Franklin) |
McGregor,D.C. Triassic, Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous spores and pollen of Arctic Canada. |
1965 |
details |
Sinemurian |
Volkheimer,W. Advancement of the Microbiostratigraphy of the Jurassic in Argentina and comparison with other Regions of the Southern Heisphere |
1971 |
details |
Taitai |
Runangan |
New Zealand |
Couper,R.A. New Zealand Mesozoic and Cainozoic plant microfossils. |
1960 |
details |
Teratan |
Piripauan |
New Zealand |
Raine,J.I. Palynology of samples from Kawau-1A offshore Well. (In: Biostratigraphy of the Kawau No-1A Offshore Well. C.P.Strong, author) |
1977 |
details |
Tertiary |
Kerguelen Island |
Potonie,R. Synopsis of the genera of the sporae dispersae. Part 2 |
1958 |
details |
Tertiary |
Australia(NSW) |
Harris,W.K. et al. Eocene microfloras from the eastern Murray Basin, New South Wales. |
1976 |
details |
Teurian |
Runangan |
New Zealand |
Mildenhall,D.C. et al. Report on palynomorphs from between 3246M and 3682M, Kupe 1 |
1976 |
details |
Tithonian |
Early Berriasian |
England(Dorset) |
Hunt,C.O. Miospores from the Portland Stone Formation and the Lower Part of the Purbeck Formation (Upper Jurassic/Lower Cretaceous) from Dorset, England. |
1985 |
details |
Tithonian |
Quattrocchio,M.E. et al. Dinoflagellate cysts and acritarchs from the Middle and Upper Jurassic of the Neuqu©ns Basin, Argentina. |
1992 |