Podocarpidites ellipticus

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Rhaetian Australia(Queensland) de Jersey,N.J. Early Jurassic miospores from the Helidon Sandstone. 1971
details Santonian Japan(Iwate Pref.) Takahashi,K. et al. Palynomorphs from the Santonian Uge Member of the Taneichi Formation, Northeast Japan. 1990
details Santonian Early Campanian Antarctica Keating,J.M. Palynology of the Lachman Crags Member, Santa Marta Formation (Upper Cretaceous) of northwest James Ross Island. 1992
details Santonian Late Eocene Australia(S.Australia) Stoian,L.M. Late Cretaceous - Late Eocene palynofloras from drillhole Troas 1, offshore Otway Basin, South Australia. 2002
details Senonian New Zealand Penny,J.S. Late Cretaceous and Early Tertiary palynology. (In: Aspects of Palynology. R.H. Tschudy and R.A. Scott, editors) 1969
details Sinemurian Late Toarcian Volkheimer,W. Liassic microfloras of the Neuqu©n Basin, (Argentina): Relations with other Gondwanic Areas. 1980
details Sinemurian Late Toarcian Argentina(San Juan) Volkheimer,W. Liassic microfloras of the Neuqu©n Basin, (Argentina): Relations with other Gondwanic Areas. 1980
details Sinemurian Tithonian Volkheimer,W. et al. Stratigraphic distribution of Jurassic and Cretaceous palynomorphs in the Andean Realm and neighbouring areas of Southern South America, with special consideration of the Neuqu©n Basin. 1981
details Sinemurian Canada(NWT,Franklin) McGregor,D.C. Triassic, Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous spores and pollen of Arctic Canada. 1965
details Sinemurian Volkheimer,W. Advancement of the Microbiostratigraphy of the Jurassic in Argentina and comparison with other Regions of the Southern Heisphere 1971
details Taitai Runangan New Zealand Couper,R.A. New Zealand Mesozoic and Cainozoic plant microfossils. 1960
details Teratan Piripauan New Zealand Raine,J.I. Palynology of samples from Kawau-1A offshore Well. (In: Biostratigraphy of the Kawau No-1A Offshore Well. C.P.Strong, author) 1977
details Tertiary Kerguelen Island Potonie,R. Synopsis of the genera of the sporae dispersae. Part 2 1958
details Tertiary Australia(NSW) Harris,W.K. et al. Eocene microfloras from the eastern Murray Basin, New South Wales. 1976
details Teurian Runangan New Zealand Mildenhall,D.C. et al. Report on palynomorphs from between 3246M and 3682M, Kupe 1 1976
details Tithonian Early Berriasian England(Dorset) Hunt,C.O. Miospores from the Portland Stone Formation and the Lower Part of the Purbeck Formation (Upper Jurassic/Lower Cretaceous) from Dorset, England. 1985
details Tithonian Quattrocchio,M.E. et al. Dinoflagellate cysts and acritarchs from the Middle and Upper Jurassic of the Neuqu©ns Basin, Argentina. 1992