details |
Middle Eocene |
Australia(S.Australia) |
Alley,N.F. et al. Middle Eocene palynofloras from the One Tree Hill area, St.Vinc Basin, South Australia |
1992 |
details |
Middle Eocene |
Australia(S.Australia) |
Alley,N.F. et al. Early Tertiary Eyre Formation, Lower Nelly Creek Southern Lake Eyre Basin, Australia: palynological dating of Macrofloras and Silcrete and palaeoclimatic interpretations |
1996 |
details |
Middle Eocene |
Late Eocene |
Antarctica |
Askin,R.A. Spores and Pollen from the McMurdo Sound erratics, Antarctica. (In: Paleobiology and Paleoenvironments of Eocene Rocks, McMurdo Sound, East Antarctica. J.D.Stilwell and R.M.Feldmann, editors) |
2000 |
details |
Middle Jurassic |
Early Cretaceous |
India(Madhya Pradesh) |
Kumar,P. et al. Palynostratigraphical studies of Carbonaceous shales from Kotri, Narsinghpur District, Madhya Pradesh, India. |
1979 |
details |
Middle Jurassic |
Volkheimer,W. Spores and pollen of the Jurassic of Neuqu©n (Republic of Argentina). |
1968 |
details |
Middle Jurassic |
Men©ndez,C.A. Palynological study of the Middle Jurassic from Picun Leufu, Neuqu©n. |
1968 |
details |
Middle Jurassic |
Men©ndez,C.A. Palynological record of Pre-Tertiary floras of Argentina. |
1968 |
details |
Middle Jurassic |
Early Eocene |
India(Gujarat) |
Salujha,S.K. et al. Palynostratigraphic and source rock studies of the Well Lakhpat-1, Kutch. |
1985 |
details |
Middle Jurassic |
Norway |
Vigran,J.O. et al. Illustrations and distribution of the Jurassic palynomorphs of Norway. |
1975 |
details |
Middle Lutetian |
Late Lutetian |
Australia(Victoria) |
Christophel,D.C. et al. The Eocene flora of the Anglesea Locality, Victoria. |
1987 |
details |
Middle Miocene |
Australia |
Harris,W.K. Tertiary stratigraphic palynology, Otway Basin. |
1971 |
details |
Middle Miocene |
Early Pleistocene |
India(Jammu & Kashmir) |
Nandi,B. Palynostratigraphy of the Siwalik Group of Panjab. |
1975 |
details |
Middle Miocene |
Argentina(San Juan) |
Barreda,V.D. et al. Age and palaeoenvironment of the "Serie del Yeso", Valle del Cura, San Juan Province: palynological evidence. |
1998 |
details |
Middle Neocomian |
Brazil(Paraiba) |
de Lima,M.R. et al. Palynological study of the Lagoa Do Forno stratigraphic Bore, Rio Do Peixe Basin, Cretaceous of Northeast Brazil. |
1988 |
details |
Middle Oligocene |
Early Miocene |
Australia(W.Australia) |
Truswell,E.M. et al. Palynology of the Oligocene-Miocene sequence in the Oakvale-1 corehole, western Murray Basin, South Australia. |
1985 |
details |
Middle Oligocene |
Late Miocene |
Indian Ocean |
Quilty,P.G. et al. Microfossil evidence for the age and environment of deposition of sediments of Heard and McDonald Islands. (In: Antarctic Earth Science. R.L. Oliver et al, editors) |
1983 |
details |
Middle Paleocene |
Australia |
Harris,W.K. Tertiary stratigraphic palynology, Otway Basin. |
1971 |