Alisporites robustus

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Late Rhaetian Aalenian Denmark Dybkjaer,K. Palynological zonation and palynofacies investigation of the Fjerritslev Formation (Lower Jurassic-Basal Middle Jurassic) in the Danish Subbasin 1991
details Dogger Aalenian Germany(Niedersachsen) Prжssl,K.F. Palaeopalynolgy Part I:Preperation and methods 1997
details Late Triassic Bajocian Bulgaria Peybernes,B. et al. New data about the Jurassic Flysch Deposits from the Luda Kamcija Zone, (Eastern Balkanides, Bulgaria) paleogeographic consequences. 1989
details Aalenian Bajocian Volkheimer,W. et al. Comments on range chart: Palynomorphs. (In: South America and Antarctic Peninsula. A.C.Riccardi et al. (In: Jurassic taxa ranges and correlation charts for the Circum Pacific. G.E.G.Westerman and A.C.Riccardi, editor) 1990
details Pliensbachian Bajocian Argentina Sarjeant,W.A.S. et al. Jurassic palynomorphs of the Circum-Pacific Region. (In: The Jurassic of the Circum-Pacific. G.E.G Westermann, editor) 1992
details Late Pliensbachian Bajocian Denmark Seidenkrantz,M.S. et al. Biostratigraphy and palaeoenvironmental analysis of a Lower to Middle Jurassic succession on Anholt, Denmark. 1993
details Late Toarcian Bajocian Martinez,M.A. et al. Palynofacies analysis applied to systems tract from the Middle Jurassic of the southwestern Neuqu©n Basin, Argentina. 1999
details Aalenian Bajocian China(Xinjiang Uygur) Wang,Y.-D. et al. Middle Jurassic spore-pollen assemblages from Turpan-Shanshan Area, Xinjiang. 1998
details Hettangian Bathonian Bulgaria Tchoumatchenco,P. et al. A transitional Realm between Balkan and Moesia; Palaeogeographic and palaeotectonic evolution of the Flysch Trough in Early and Middle Jurassic time (The eastern Stara Planina;Eastern Bulgaria) 1992
details Aalenian Bathonian Europe Boulter,M.C. et al. A reconstruction of some Middle Jurassic vegetation in northern Europe. (In: Studies in Palaeobotany and Palynology in Honour of Professor W.G.Chaloner, F.R.S. M.E.Collinson and A.C.Scott, editors) 1993
details Bajocian Bathonian Sweden Tralau,H. Botanical investigations into the fossil flora of Eriksdal in Fyledalen, Scania. 2. The Middle Jurassic microflora. 1968
details Bajocian Bathonian Sweden Guy-Ohlson,D. Palynological investigations in the Middle Jurassic of the Vilhelmsfalt Boring, Southern Sweden. 1971
details Hettangian Bathonian Scotland(Sutherland) Lam,K. et al. The distribution of palynomorphs in the Jurassic rocks of the Brora Outlier, Northeast Scotland. 1977
details Pliensbachian Bathonian Denmark Koppelhus,E.B. et al. Palynostratigraphy and palaeoenvironments of the Lower to Middle Jurassic Baga Formation of Bornholm, Denmark. 1994
details Bajocian Callovian Volkheimer,W. Fossil microfloras. 1978
details Middle Triassic Carnian Argentina(Mendoza) Zavattieri,A.M. Stratigraphic and paleoecologic evaluation of the palynofloras of the Triassic Las Cabras Formation at the type locality Cerro Las Cabras, Mendoza, Argentina. 1990
details Late Hettangian Early Aalenian W.Germany(Baden) Srivastava,S.K. Jurassic spore-pollen assemblages from Normandy, (France and Germany). 1987