details |
Maastrichtian |
Japan(Hokkaido I.) |
Takahashi,K. Palynologic study of the Akkeshi and Tokotan Formations of the Nemuro Group, Eastern Hokkaido |
1991 |
details |
Albian |
Senonian |
Oregon |
Thompson,G.G. et al. Subsurface stratigraphy of the Ochoco Basin, Oregon. |
1984 |
details |
Late Cretaceous |
Colorado |
Thompson,G.G. Paleoecology of palynomorphs in the Mancos Shale, Southwestern Colorado. |
1969 |
details |
Late Albian |
Atlantic Ocean |
Thurow,J. et al. The Cenomanian-Turonian boundary event (CTBE) at Hole 641A, ODP Leg 103, (Compared with the CTBE interval at Site 398). |
1988 |
details |
Albian |
Alaska |
Timmcke,T.A. Palynolgoy of the Lower Cretaceous Pebble Shale Unit, Point Barrow, Alaska. |
1981 |
details |
Early Campanian |
Middle Campanian |
Montana |
Tysdal,R.G. et al. Biostratigraphic correlation of Santonian and Campanian Formations in the northwestern part of Yellowstone National Park, and the Madison range and Livingston Area of Southwestern Montana. (In: Contributions to Late Cretaceous stratigraphy and paleontology, Western Montana. T.S.Dyman, editor) |
1991 |
details |
Middle Cenomanian |
Late Cenomanian |
Czech Republic |
Ulicny,D. et al. High-frequency sea level fluctuations and plant habitats in Cenomanian fluvial to estuarine succession: Becinov Quarry, Bohemia |
1997 |
details |
Berriasian |
Aptian |
USSR(Ukrainian SSR) |
Voronova,M.A. Early Cretaceous miospores of the Ukraine |
1984 |
details |
Berriasian |
Aptian |
USSR(Ukrainian SSR) |
Voronova,M.A. Early Cretaceous miospores of the Ukraine |
1984 |
details |
Cenomanian |
Canada(Eastern Offshore) |
Williams,G.L. et al. Stratigraphy of the Shell Naskapi N-30 Well, Scotian Shelf, Eastern Canada |
1974 |
details |
Berriasian |
Albian |
Canada(Eastern Offshore) |
Williams,G.L. Dinoflagellate and spore stratigraphy of the Mesozoic-Genozoic, offshore eastern Canada |
1975 |
details |
Late Albian |
Late Santonian |
Atlantic Coast Offshore |
Williams,G.L. et al. Palynologic analyses of Upper Mesozoic and Cenozoic rocks of the Grand Banks, Atlantic Continental Margin. |
1975 |
details |
Aptian |
Cenomanian |
Alaska |
Witmer,R.J. et al. Biostratigraphic correlation of selected test wells of National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska |
1981 |
details |
Aptian |
Gabon |
Wood,G.D. et al. Palynology, palynofacies, paleoenvironments and geochemistry of Lower Cretaceous (Pre-Salt) Cocobeach Group, North Gabon Subbas Gabon. |
1997 |
details |
Early Cretaceous |
Gabon |
Wood,G.D. et al. Palynology, palynofacies and geochemistry of the Early Cretaceous Cocobeah Group, Gabon. |
1997 |
details |
Late Albian |
Early Cenomanian |
Canada(Ontario) |
Zippi,P.A. et al. Note; Recognition of a Cretaceous Outlier in Northwestern Ontario. |
1990 |
details |
Late Cenomanian |
Czech Republic |
Zitt,J. et al. Rocky coast facies of the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary interval at Velim, (Bohemian Cretaceous Basin, Czech Republic). Second Part |
1997 |