Operculodinium centrocarpum

Citations total:
Author - title
details Early Miocene California Srivastava,S.K. Palynology of the Monterey Formation, (Miocene) phosphatic facies Lions Head, Santa Maria area, California. 1984
details Early Miocene Australia(Tasmania) Macphail,M.K. A habitat for the enigmatic Wynyardia bassiana, Spencer,1901, Australia's first described Tertiary land mammal? 1996
details Early Miocene Pleistocene Atlantic Ocean(East) McCarthy,F.M.G. et al. Palynology and dinoflagellate biostratigraphy of Upper Cenozoic sediments from Sites 898 and 900, Iberia Abyssal Plain 1996
details Early Miocene Argentina(Santa Cruz) Barreda,V.D. et al. Continental and marine palynomorphs from the type area of the Monte Leon Formation, Santa Cruz Province, Argentina. 2000
details Early Miocene Argentina(Santa Cruz) Barreda,V.D. et al. Palynostratigraphy of Late Oligocene-Miocene deposits in the southern San Jose Gulf area, Santa Cruz Prozince. 2000
details Early Miocene Pleistocene Atlantic Ocean(Northwest) Shipboard Scientific Party Site 1073. 1998
details Early Miocene Middle Miocene Belgium Louwye,S. Dinoflagellate cysts and acritarchs from the Miocene Zonderschot Sands, northern Belgium: stratigraphic significance and correlation with contiguous areas. 2000
details Early Miocene Poland Gedl,P. Palynofacies of the Miocene deposits in the Gliwice area (Upper Silesia, Poland). 1997
details Early Miocene Middle Miocene South Korea Yun,H. Emended stratigraphy of the Miocene formations in the Pohang Basin, Part II. South of the Hyongsan Fault. 1994
details Early Maestrichtian Russia(Siberia) Zakharov,V.A. et al. Boreal Zonal standard and biostratigraphy of the Siberian Mesozic. 1997
details Early Lutetian India(Madhya Pradesh) Sarkar,S. et al. Palaeoenvironmental significance of dinoflagellate cysts from the Subathu Formation (Late Ypresian - Middle Lutetian) of Koshalia Nala Section, Shimla Hills, India. 2000
details Early Eocene Late Neogene Atlantic Ocean Williams,G.L. Palynological biostratigraphy, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Sites 367 and 370. 1978
details Early Eocene England(Kent) Islam,M.A. A study of Early Eocene palaeoenvironments in the Isle of Sheppey, as determined from microplankton assemblage composition 1984
details Early Eocene India(Jammu & Kashmir) Khanna,A.K. et al. Stratigraphical significance of dinocysts from the Subathu Formation of Jammu. 1985
details Early Eocene Denmark Hansen,J.M. Age of the Mo-Clay Formation. 1979
details Early Eocene USSR(Tadzhik SSR) Oleynik,V.V. et al. The role of phytoplancton in the genesis of Lower Eocene oil shale of the Tadzhik Depression and the Hissar Range. (In: Plancton and Pelagic organic life in the history of the earth.) 1979
details Early Eocene Miocene Germany Benedek,P.N. Results of phytoplankton investigations of the Northwest German Tertiary. (In: Northwest Germany during the Tertiary. H.Tobien, editor) 1986