Operculodinium centrocarpum

Citations total:
Author - title
details Early Miocene Middle Miocene Mediterranean Sea Corradini,D. Dinoflagellate cysts in deep-sea cores from DSDP Site 372, East Menorca Rise. 1978
details Early Pliocene Italy Corradini,D. et al. Dinocyst study at the Messinian-Pliocene boundary in the Cava Serredi Section, Tuscany, Italy. 1988
details Middle Miocene Pleistocene Israel Conway,B.H. et al. Dinoflagellate age sequence and thermal maturity of Delta-1 Well, offshore Netanya, Israel. 1981
details Late Pliocene Early Pleistocene France(Normandie) Clet-Pellerin,M. et al. Stratigraphy and palynology of the Late Pliocene and Early Pleistocene: Sequences in marine and Lagunal sediments in Normandy, (France). 1999
details Auversian Stampian France(Paris Basin) Chўteauneuf,J.-J. Palynostratigraphy and paleoclimatic of the Late Eocene-Oligocene of the Paris Basin France 1980
details Aquitanian France(Bouches-du-Rhone) Chўteauneuf,J.-J. Palynological study. (In: 5th Congress on the Mediterranean Neogene, Volume 3. Contribution to the study of the Aquitanian, La Coupe de Carry-Le-Rouet, (Bouches-du-Rhone) France 1972
details Aquitanian France(Bouches-du-Rhone) Chўteauneuf,J.-J. Contribution to the study of the Aquitanian 1972
details Campanian USSR(Taymyr Nat.Okrug) Chlonova,A.F. et al. Palynological Zonation of Santonian - Campanian Deposits from the Tanama River, (Ust-Enisei Region). (In: Mikrofitofossilii i stratigrafiya Mezozzoya i Kainozoya Sibiri. S.B. Shatskiy, editor) 1988
details Early Miocene Indonesia(Timor) Charlton,T.R. et al. New biostratigraphic results from the Kolbano area, southern West Timor: Implications for the Mesozoic-Tertiary stratigraphy of Timor. 1994
details Late Pliocene Barents Sea Channell,J.E.T. et al. Age models for glacial fan deposits off east Greenland and Svalbard (Sites 986 and 987). 1999
details Thanetian Cuisian France(Pyrenees,Atlant.) Cavagnetto,C. et al. Pollen and dinoflagellates from the Early Paleogene turbidite of Bearn. Comparison with the platform assemblages of the Pyrenean Foothills. 1999
details Aquitanian France(Aquitaine) Caratini,C. et al. Palynological study of the stratotypes of the Aquitanian and the Burdigalian. 1974
details Late Neogene Early Pleistocene North Sea Cameron,T.D.J. et al. Lower Pleistocene dinoflagellate cyst, Foraminiferal and pollen assemblages in four boreholes in the Southern North Sea 1984
details Holocene Antarctica Byun,H. et al. Reworked dinocysts from the Bransfield Strait, Antarctica. 1996
details Nd Nd Byun,H. et al. Miocene dinoflagellate cysts from the central part of the Ponang Basin. 1992
details Late Burdigalian Serravallian South Korea Byun,H. et al. Miocene dinoflagellate cysts from the central part of the Ponang Basin. 1992
details Eocene England(Hampshire) Bujak,J.P. et al. Dinoflagellate cysts and acritarchs from the Eocene of Southern England. 1980