Operculodinium centrocarpum

Citations total:
Author - title
details Holocene China(Jiangxi) Zhu,Y. The discovery and its environmental significance of Holocene microplankton flora in Nantong and Qidong, Jiangsu, China. 2000
details Holocene China(Jiangxi) Zhu,Y. The discovery and its environmental significance of Holocene microplankton flora in Nantong and Qidong, Jiangsu, China. 2000
details Holocene Atlantic Ocean(North) de Vernal,A. et al. Reconstruction of sea-surface temperature, salinity, and sea-ice cover in the northern North Atlantic during the last glacial maximum based on dinocyst assemblages. 2000
details Holocene Atlantic Ocean(Northwest) de Vernal,A. et al. Sea-ice cover, sea-surface salinity and halo-/thermocline structure of the northwest North Atlantic: modern versus full glacial conditions. 2000
details Holocene Antarctica Byun,H. et al. Reworked dinocysts from the Bransfield Strait, Antarctica. 1996
details Holocene Black Sea Mudie,P.J. et al. Late glacial, Holocene and modern dinoflagellate cyst assemblages in the Aegean-Marmara-Black Sea corridor: Statistical analysis and re-interpretation of the early Holocene Noah's Flood hypothesis. 2004
details Holocene Mediterranean Sea Mudie,P.J. et al. Late glacial, Holocene and modern dinoflagellate cyst assemblages in the Aegean-Marmara-Black Sea corridor: Statistical analysis and re-interpretation of the early Holocene Noah's Flood hypothesis. 2004
details Holocene Atlantic Ocean(North) Eynaud,F. et al. Comparison of the Holocene and Eemian palaeoenvironments in the South Icelandic Basin: dino?agellate cysts as proxies for the North Atlantic surface circulation. 2004
details Holocene Iceland Marret,F. et al. Distribution of dinoflagellate cyst assemblages in surface sediments from the northern and western shelf of Iceland. 2004
details Holocene Iceland Marret,F. et al. Distribution of dinoflagellate cyst assemblages in surface sediments from the northern and western shelf of Iceland. 2004
details Holocene Iceland Marret,F. et al. Distribution of dinoflagellate cyst assemblages in surface sediments from the northern and western shelf of Iceland. 2004
details Holocene Spain(Offshore) Sprangers,M. et al. Modern organic-walled dino?agellate cyst distribution oцshore NW Iberia; tracing the upwelling system. 2004
details Holocene Spain(Offshore) Sprangers,M. et al. Modern organic-walled dino?agellate cyst distribution oцshore NW Iberia; tracing the upwelling system. 2004
details Holocene Barents Sea Voronina,E. et al. Holocene variations of sea-surface conditions in the southeastern Barents Sea, reconstructed from dinoflagellate cyst assemblages. 2001
details Flandrian Canada(Newfoundland) Harland,R. Quaternary (Flandrian?) dinoflagellate cysts from the Grand Banks, off Newfoundland, Canada. 1973
details Flandrian France(Finistere) Morzadec-Kerfourn,M.T. The ecological significance of dinoflagellates and their interest for the study of Sea level variations. 1976
details Eocene Nigeria Jan du ChЄne,R.E. et al. Biostratigraphic study of the borehole 0J0-1 SW Nigeria, with special emphasis on the Cretaceous microflora. 1978