details |
Oligocene |
India(Assam) |
Kumar,A. Biozonation and depositional environments of the Tertiary outcrop section along the Silchar-Haflong Road, Cachar District, Southern Assam. |
1993 |
details |
Early Pliocene |
Australia(Victoria) |
Macphail,M.K. Neogene Enivornments in Australia, 1: Re-evaluation of microfloras associated with important Early Pliocene Marsupial remains at Grange Burn, Southwest Victoria |
1996 |
details |
Late Paleocene |
Spain |
Orue-Etxebarria,X. et al. Physical and biostratigraphic analysis of two prospective Paleocene -Eocene, boundary stratotypes in the intermediate-Deep Water Basque Basin, Western Pyrenees: the Trabakua Pass and Ermua sections |
1996 |
details |
Late Pliocene |
Florida |
Emslie,S.D. et al. Integrated Taphonomy of an Avian Death assemblage in marine sediments from the Late Pliocene of Florida |
1996 |
details |
Late Miocene |
USA(Atlantic Coast.Pl.) |
de Verteuil,L. et al. Part I. Dinoflagellate cyst zonation and allostratigraphy of the Chesapeake Group. (In: Miocene dinoflagellate stratigraphy and systematics of Maryland and Virginia) |
1996 |
details |
Late Miocene |
USA(Atlantic Coast.Pl.) |
de Verteuil,L. et al. Part II. Homology and structure in dinoflagellate cyst terminology. (In: Miocene dinoflagellate stratigraphy and systematics of Maryland and Virginia) |
1996 |
details |
Maestrichtian |
USSR(Siberia) |
Zakharov,V.A. et al. Evidence of Upper Cretaceous World Ocean Eustasy in the North of Siberia |
1991 |
details |
Late Pliocene |
Florida |
Emslie,S.D. et al. Integrated Taphonomy of an Avian Death assemblage in marine sediments from the Late Pliocene of Florida |
1996 |
details |
Danian |
Antarctica |
Tassone,A.A. et al. Cretaceous Tertiary boundary in Marambio Island |
1988 |
details |
Eocene |
India(Himachal Pradesh) |
Singh,H.P. et al. Palynology and palaeoenvironment of Lower Tertiary sediments around Garkhal, Himachal Pradesh, India. |
1992 |
details |
Late Eocene |
Pakistan |
KŠ¶the,A. et al. Biostratigraphy of the Surghar Range, Salt Range, Sulaiman Range and the Kohat area, Pakistan, according to Jurassic through Paleogene calcareous nannofossils and Paleogene dinoflagellates. |
1988 |
details |
Pliocene |
Italy |
Versteegh,G.J.M. Recognition of Cyclic and Non-Cuclic environmental changes in the Mediterranean Pliocene: A palynological approach |
1994 |
details |
Rupelian |
Belgium |
Stover,L.E. et al. Dinoflagellates and depositional sequences in the Lower Oligocene (Rupelian) Boom Clay Formation, Belgium. |
1994 |
details |
Rupelian |
Belgium |
Stover,L.E. et al. Dinoflagellates and depositional sequences in the Lower Oligocene (Rupelian) Boom Clay Formation, Belgium. |
1994 |
details |
Late Miocene |
Canada(British Columbia) |
White,J.M. et al. New Miocene fossil discoveries in the Skonun Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands British Columbia and implications for the basin stratigraphy and climate. (In: Contributions to Canadian Paleontology.) |
1994 |
details |
Holocene |
New Zealand(Offshore) |
McMinn,A. et al. Recent dinoflagellate cysts from the Chatham Rise, Southern Ocean, east of New Zealand. |
1994 |
details |
Quaternary |
Atlantic Ocean |
Shipboard Scientific Party Site 905. |
1994 |