Operculodinium centrocarpum

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Nd Nd Head,M.J. Modern dinoflagellate cysts and their biological affinities. (Principles and Applications. Applications. J.Jansonius and D.C.McGregor, editors.) 1996
details Nd Nd Matsuoka,K. Morphological features of the cyst of Pyrodinium bahamense var. compressum. (In: Biology, Epidemiology and Management of Pyrodini Red Tides. G.M.Hallefraeff and J.L.MacLean, editors) 1989
details Nd Nd Sarjeant,W.A.S. et al. Dinoflagellates, fossil and modern: certain unresolved problems. 1999
details Nd Nd Byun,H. et al. Miocene dinoflagellate cysts from the central part of the Ponang Basin. 1992
details Oligocene Miocene W.Germany Vozzhennikova,T.F. Dinocysts and their stratigraphic significance. 1979
details Oligocene Miocene Canada(NWT,Mackenzie) Dixon,J. et al. In geology and biostratigraphy of the Dome Gulf et al Hunt Kopanoar M-13 Well, Beaufort Sea. 1984
details Oligocene India(Gujarat) Jain,K.P. Reallocation of some dinoflagellate cysts from Kutch, western India. 1980
details Oligocene Miocene Atlantic Ocean Brown,S. et al. Dinoflagellate cyst stratigraphy of Paleocene to Miocene sediments from the Goban Spur, (Sites 548-550, Leg 80). 1985
details Oligocene Miocene India(Kutch) Jain,K.P. et al. "The fossil floras of Kachchh. IV: Tertiary palynostratigraphy" by Ranajit K. Kar (1985): A critique on dinoflagellate cysts. 1991
details Oligocene Early Miocene Venezuela Fasola,A. et al. Late Cretaceous palynological assemblages from El Furrial area wells. 1991
details Oligocene Early Pliocene Australia(S.Australia) Macphail,M.K. et al. Palynostratigraphy of the Bookpurnong Beds and related Late Miocene - Early Pliocene facies in the Central West Murray Basin. Part 1: Dinoflagellates. 1993
details Oligocene Early Pliocene Australia(NSW) Macphail,M.K. et al. Palynostratigraphy of the Bookpurnong Beds and related Late Miocene - Early Pliocene facies in the Central West Murray Basin. Part 1: Dinoflagellates. 1993
details Oligocene India(Assam) Kumar,A. Biozonation and depositional environments of the Tertiary outcrop section along the Silchar-Haflong Road, Cachar District, Southern Assam. 1993
details Oligocene Pliocene India(Kutch) Kar,R.K. Stratigraphical implications of Tertiary palynological succession in northeastern and Western India. 1992
details Oligocene Early Miocene Australia(Victoria) Holdgate,G.R. et al. Oligocene-Miocene marine incursions in the Latrobe Valley Depression, onshore Gippsland Basin: Evidence, facies relations and chronology. (In: The Cainozoic in Australia: A re-appraisal of the evidence. M.A.J.Williams et al, Editors) 1991
details Oligocene Japan(Hokkaido I.) Kurita,H. et al. Dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy and age of the Oligocene Momijiyama Formation, Yubari Coal-Field, Central Hokkaido, Japa 1998
details Oligocene Pliocene India(Gujarat) Mehrotra,N.C. et al. Palynostratigraphic and source rock evaluation studies on Oligocene-Miocene subsurface sediments of Surat Basin 1995