Operculodinium centrocarpum

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Eocene Oligocene Argentina(Chubut) Guerstein,G.R. et al. Cenozoic, (Pre-Pliocene) paleoenvironmental trends based on palynomorphs from the Colorado Basin, Argentina. 1995
details Maestrichtian USSR(Siberia) Lebedeva,N.K. Dinocysts and palynostratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous deposits of the Ust-Enisey Depressions 1991
details Middle Bartonian Spain Gruas-Cavagnetto,C. et al. A mangrove complex of the Bartonian of the Ebro Basin (NE.Spain). 1995
details Eocene India(Himachal Pradesh) Singh,H.P. et al. Palynology and palaeoenvironment of Lower Tertiary sediments around Garkhal, Himachal Pradesh, India. 1992
details Late Eocene Pakistan KŠ¶the,A. et al. Biostratigraphy of the Surghar Range, Salt Range, Sulaiman Range and the Kohat area, Pakistan, according to Jurassic through Paleogene calcareous nannofossils and Paleogene dinoflagellates. 1988
details Early Oligocene Japan(Ibaraki Pref.) Kurita,H. et al. Trinovantedinium boreale, Bujak: Dominated dinoflagellate assemblages in Eocene-Oligocene stratified water in northern Japan. 1994
details Middle Eocene Late Eocene Japan(Hokkaido I.) Kurita,H. et al. Trinovantedinium boreale, Bujak: Dominated dinoflagellate assemblages in Eocene-Oligocene stratified water in northern Japan. 1994
details Late Pliocene Italy Versteegh,G.J.M. Palaeoenvironmental changes in the Mediterranean and North Atlantic in relation to the onset of Northern Hemisphere glaciations. (2.5 Ma B.P.) - A palynological approach. 1995
details Late Pliocene Italy Versteegh,G.J.M. Palaeoenvironmental changes in the Mediterranean and North Atlantic in relation to the onset of Northern Hemisphere glaciations. (2.5 Ma B.P.) - A palynological approach. 1995
details Middle Eocene Antarctica Mao,S. et al. Middle Eocene dinocysts from Bruce Bank (Scotia Sea, Antarctica) and their paleoenvironment and paleogeographic implications 1995
details Priabonian Rupelian Greece Wilpshaar,M. Tectonostratigraphy of Oligocene sediments from the Internal and Middle Ionian Zones (Epirus, northwest Greece); Consequences for the reconstruction of the Pindos Foreland Basin evolution. (In: Applicability of Dinoflagellate Cyst Stratigraphy to the Analyses of Passive and Active Tectonic Settings. S.N. Ward, editors) 1995
details Bortonian New Zealand(S.I.) Strong,C.P. et al. Foraminiferal, radiolarian, and dinoflagellate biostratigraphy of Late Cretaceous to Middle Eocene pelagic sediments (Muzzle Group), Mead Stream, Marlborough, New Zealand. 1995
details Nd India(Kerala) Rao,M.R. Palynostratigraphic zonation and correlation of the Eocene-Early Miocene sequence in Alleppey District, Kerala, India. 1995
details Early Miocene California Srivastava,S.K. Palynology of the Monterey Formation, (Miocene) phosphatic facies Lions Head, Santa Maria area, California. 1984
details Reuverian Tiglian France(Finistere) Morzadec-Kerfourn,M.T. Pollen analytical data and environmental conditions of the Plio-Pleistocene Lanrinou Clay at Landerneau, (Finistere), France. 1982
details Middle Eocene Early Oligocene Atlantic(Greenland Sea) Firth,J.V. Upper Middle Eocene to Oligocene dinoflagellate biostratigraphy and assemblage variations in Hole 913B, Greenland Sea 1996
details Nd India(Kerala) Ram,S. et al. First report of fossil dinoflagellates from the west coast of India and some observations 1996